スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Tzonglin Wu
Tzonglin Wu

3 Phantoms [Left: ESCI, Center: Fujimi, Right: Airfix]


7 21 July 2020, 12:58
Andy Ball
Oh, is this to become a comparison build!?, looks intriguing!
 21 July 2020, 13:01
Tzonglin Wu 著者
I will build them simultaneously before exterior painting. It just for fun. They are products of different years with different prices.
 22 July 2020, 07:01
Łukasz Gliński
Very interesting 👍
 22 July 2020, 08:46
Andy Ball
are you deliberately not labelling which is which on the photos?: sort of a 'triple-blind study'?! If you're not I wonder which so far is proving the better build, (or is it too early to tell?)
 4 August 2020, 08:03
Tzonglin Wu 著者
Ahhhh.... I forgot that!
All photos have the same sequence if there are three:
Left: Italeri (ESCI), Center: Italeri (Fujimi), Right: Airfix
I add a note in the title.
Thank you for reminding.
 4 August 2020, 08:43
Thomas Kolb
Ah, I love these multiple builds, please keep the pictures coming! The cockpits look awesome!
 4 August 2020, 08:48
Tzonglin Wu 著者
Thank you, Thomas.
 10 August 2020, 02:34
Andy Ball
Am liking the blades' effects
 10 August 2020, 16:43
 6 September 2020, 08:27

Album info

Process before exterior painting.
All photos have the same sequence if there are three pcs:
Left: Italeri (ESCI), Center: Italeri (Fujimi), Right: Airfix

77 画像
1:72 McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.2 (Airfix A06017)1:72 F-4 C/D/J Phantom II Aces (Italeri 1373)1:72 F-4M Phantom FG.1 (Italeri 1434)1+
McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II
US US Air Force (1947-now)
555 FS "Triple Nickle", 8 TFW OY / AF67463 (Capt. Steve Ritchie)
1972 - Udorn RTAFB TH
FS34102 FS34079 FS30219 FS36622


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