3 Phantoms [Left: ESCI, Center: Fujimi, Right: Airfix]
7 21 July 2020, 12:58

I will build them simultaneously before exterior painting. It just for fun. They are products of different years with different prices.
22 July 2020, 07:01

are you deliberately not labelling which is which on the photos?: sort of a 'triple-blind study'?! If you're not I wonder which so far is proving the better build, (or is it too early to tell?)
4 August 2020, 08:03

Ahhhh.... I forgot that!
All photos have the same sequence if there are three:
Left: Italeri (ESCI), Center: Italeri (Fujimi), Right: Airfix
I add a note in the title.
Thank you for reminding.
4 August 2020, 08:43

Ah, I love these multiple builds, please keep the pictures coming! The cockpits look awesome!
4 August 2020, 08:48
Album info
Process before exterior painting.
All photos have the same sequence if there are three pcs:
Left: Italeri (ESCI), Center: Italeri (Fujimi), Right: Airfix