スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Michael Hickey (mikestomcat)

M911 C-HET w/ M747 Heavy Equipment Semi-Trailer


10 10 August 2020, 12:28
Looking forward .......
 10 August 2020, 12:48
Michael Hickey 著者
Hoping to have the prime mover finished by the end of the weekend Neuling.🙂
 11 August 2020, 03:29
Lenny Li
This gonna be a very serious build.
 11 August 2020, 11:36
Michael Hickey 著者
Thank you Lenny.
 25 August 2020, 20:00
Nathan Dempsey
Wow! Big (and nice) project.
 25 August 2020, 20:07
Michael Hickey 著者
Thanks Nathan, the tractor is finished now, pictures later tonight.🙂
 25 August 2020, 21:10
Michael Hickey 著者
Pictures up, comments welcome.🙂
 26 August 2020, 09:38
Kerry COX
Throwing mud and dirt from your vegie patch at your models does not count as weathering Michael. !!!!
But I love the effect. hahahahahaha 😉
Well done as usual mate. 👍 👍 👍
 26 August 2020, 09:54
I absolutely like the design and your style 👍 👍 👍
 26 August 2020, 09:54
impressive job
 26 August 2020, 09:55
Michael Hickey 著者
Thank You very much Jens and Spanjaard, thanks Kerry you cracked me up.😄
 26 August 2020, 12:01
Rui S
Big Monster. I'm in
 26 August 2020, 16:40
Nathan Dempsey
I see someone's uncle has sent them a care package from the local truck stop. Very nice work there Michael.
 26 August 2020, 18:35
James C
Looking amazing Michael... love the mud flaps! 👍😉
 26 August 2020, 19:55
Michael Hickey 著者
Thanks everyone, and James the decals for the mud flaps were custom made.🙂
 27 August 2020, 03:20
Chris S Kim
So amazing.
 27 August 2020, 05:51
Michael Hickey 著者
Thanks Chris.
 27 August 2020, 09:30
Michael Hickey 著者
I started work on the M747 today.
 28 August 2020, 05:53
Kerry COX
Keep us up to date on the build Michael. 👍 🙂
 28 August 2020, 05:58
Michael Hickey 著者
I'll certainly do that mate.🙂
 28 August 2020, 06:05
Kerry COX
 28 August 2020, 11:28

Album info

This is my war weary old M911 C-HET and M747 Heavy Equipment trailer with a Buffalo going for a ride.

15 画像


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