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Ignacy Szymański (Campana)

WIP STS-27 Space Shuttle Atlantis & Booster Rockets 1:144


12 14 October 2020, 09:12
Nice, I'm in. Are you planning to also texture the tank to simulate the insulation? I've seen people use a flour technique for this.
 15 October 2020, 01:32
Jasper Breur
Very interesting, following!
 15 October 2020, 06:58
Thomas Espe
Taking a seat
 15 October 2020, 07:05
Ignacy Szymański 著者
Hi Starbase101. Yes, I will try to simulate foam insulation. I have two ideas: 1. Paint + baby powder, mixed and sprayed by airbrush. 2. One of the Textured Paint ZEROPAINTS ( e.g. zero-paints.com/Blac..duct--7612.html#next )
 16 October 2020, 17:55
A mind-blowing extremely detailed 1:144 shuttle and launch pad diorama is being built in Germany and he's come up with a texturing technique that turned out very well: forum.nasaspacefligh..php?topic=30316.1620
 16 October 2020, 19:00
Ignacy Szymański 著者
I have seen it many times and i'm following the topic. I think that airbrush could give me more control, if it not work then i will try flour technique.
Tkanks for sugestions.
 17 October 2020, 07:54

Project info

12 画像
1:144 Discovery & Booster Rockets (Revell 04736)1:144 Mask for Space Shuttle (resigned to be used with Revell kits) (New Ware NWAM038)


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