スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Chris Parsons (chrispisme)



23 26 October 2020, 00:00
Dave Hill
Another beauty Chris!
 26 October 2020, 01:53
Chris Parsons 著者
Thanks Dave!
I bought the wrong kit (had stowage nacelles) so I had to use Amodel Beechcraft 1900 wings on it. A bit of a challenge but I got there in the end.
 26 October 2020, 03:58
Alex Rodionov
The rare and nice model. Congratulations.
 26 October 2020, 04:47
Oleg Bogolei
excellent build!
 26 October 2020, 07:50
Chris Parsons 著者
Thanks guys
 26 October 2020, 15:37
Thomas Kolb
That is one attractive little model! Beautiful!
 26 October 2020, 16:49
Chris Parsons 著者
Thank you very much!
 27 October 2020, 14:03
Tim Heimer
nice work, looks good!
 27 October 2020, 14:18
Chris Parsons 著者
Thanks a lot!!
 27 October 2020, 17:59
Gordon Sørensen
Nice job, Chris! And the tug looks good, just need a towbar...
 27 October 2020, 18:33
Chris Parsons 著者
I agree, I've added some Tronair "Snapback" towbars to the job
 28 October 2020, 18:14
Łukasz Gliński
Very impressive, love it 👍
 22 January 2021, 08:35
Very nice, well done 👍
 22 January 2021, 09:03
Chris Parsons 著者
Thanks mates!!
Very appreciated
 22 January 2021, 15:46
Nice job... Where did you get the decals? Those are great!
 23 January 2021, 04:45
Chris Parsons 著者
The decals are custom made by a very talented fellow named Mika Jernfors at Arctic Decals. It's worth building a kit just to use his decals!
 23 January 2021, 14:03
Chris Church
Excellent build Chris. Very well done.
 23 January 2021, 15:13

Project info

10 画像
1:72 Beechcraft UC-12M Huron (RVHP 72171)


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