Revell 1:72 German UBoat Type IX C/40
43 20 November 2020, 18:19

Looks great, 👍 I'm in for this big model.
PS the glass cabinet in the background looks perfect
20 November 2020, 21:36

It's actually going on a shelf over my work station. 42" long!
21 November 2020, 20:05

Check out the cabinet in the library. I just got it on Thursday. Waited 8 months.
21 November 2020, 20:09

Great cabinet 👍 I'm jealous.
You can rotate the photos ir in the álbum you cuide manage/advanced options on the right side...
21 November 2020, 21:22

Jos, just uploaded the finished photos of the Uboat. Completed it Sunday. Quick and easy build except for rigging. The weathering came out great. My first extensive weathering project.
23 November 2020, 23:56

Absolutely great build...a very nice 'Das Boot'...😄 👍 Iam building right now a Type VII C/41 U-boat 1/144...
24 November 2020, 19:30

Thanks Neuling, I've taken a step to the next level with the weathering. Used oils and some mineral spirits as well as some inks. Took more time for weathering than the build.
25 November 2020, 16:47

Very nice kit, I want one! Nice collection and display case also.
27 November 2020, 09:56

Great weathering, and the speed to complete the model was incredible. Well done 👍
27 November 2020, 20:24

Good Evening Richard My opinion is that the weathering is true Goldilocks. Not to much, not to little, just right. Keep the kits coming. I have this one in my stash and hope to follow your lead. Catch Ya, Logan
10 April 2022, 01:38

I've never been drawn to sub models but your build has made me rethink that. Very nice!
20 October 2022, 12:17
Album info
Asked the wife which model she wanted me to build and she said a boat. I haven't built a boat yet, so here goes...