スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
David Pearson (Orange-Crush)

Sukhoi SU-27 Flanker B


6 24 November 2020, 23:09
Maciej Bellos
Nice! Some info on the lights and the wiring?
 28 November 2020, 22:09
David Pearson 著者
Hi the landing light is a Nano SMD Chip LED, I glued into the light fitting and fitted the clear plastic lens cap over the top. The cockpit light was mounted so under the front console, I cut out the larger display panel and drilled fine holes in the cockpit display. The wiring was taken through the fuselarge to the right engine, where I fitted a 3 volt battery and switch. If you and to get pre wired and a good guide I would suggest you look at smallscalelights.co.uk/ hope that helps.
 29 November 2020, 10:24
Maciej Bellos
Thank you David for the info!
 29 November 2020, 20:17

Project info

37 画像
1:32 Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker B (Trumpeter 02224)


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