Toyota GT-One TS020 -Le Mans 1998 - N° 29
20 23 December 2020, 17:23

I must build this one. I realy have to. Its a beauty. Well done Eric.
19 June 2021, 22:20

@PeterHardy: Oi fella, take a look at this and the rest of Eric's albums ... so much to feast your eyes on
@Eric: Outstanding craftmanship. How did you go getting all those fiddly decals perfect ?!!?
20 June 2021, 01:02

first of all thank you to you all your comments are very motivating. ?
jay, i don't really have a secret about decals.
patience, products and more than 30 years of experience
and more or less successful kits.
recently I used a hair straightener I saw this trick used by a Japanese : Youtube Video
the decals take me several days to make and above all you must not want to finish before you have started.

20 June 2021, 04:25