T20ビュー: スライドショー モザイク リスト 1January 16, 2021 2January 16, 2021 3January 16, 2021 4January 31, 2021First attempt at the hair spray technique. Limited risk as it was limited to the seat. I like the result. 5January 31, 2021Very good quality little kit. 6February 2, 2021 コメント 8 16 January 2021, 18:16Alex RadlowskyHow did you aquire this kit? 1 February 2021, 01:48NeulingWird gut! 1 February 2021, 10:17Olivier 著者Which one, Alex ? 1 February 2021, 12:08Zsolt CzegleFollowing! 🙂 1 February 2021, 12:50Alex RadlowskyMSD M42 1 February 2021, 19:51Rui SNice result with the airspray technic. Can it be done with enamels? 1 February 2021, 19:57Olivier 著者Alex, I found it on the Bay. Like here : https://ebay.fr/sch/i.html?_..mp;_nkw=msd+m42&_sacat=0 1 February 2021, 20:15Olivier 著者Rui, I do not know. I doubt it though. 1 February 2021, 20:15Project infoT206 画像1:35進行中すべてのアルバムすべてのアルバムを見る »