Olivier 著者First side of tracks done. Was a little difficult but the gimmick provided by Zvesda is quite helpful.
21 March 2021, 21:34
Teeage"With a little help from my friends" #gimmick 👍
22 March 2021, 21:45
Olivier 著者Building operation almost completed. I enjoyed it so far.
Aber den Tag vor den Abend nicht lauben...
28 March 2021, 20:43
TeeageNiet de huid verkopen voordat de beer geschoten is
28 March 2021, 22:00
TeeageMassive machine!
28 March 2021, 22:00
Olivier 著者Tini, we say the same in French. Very old saying probably.
28 March 2021, 22:27
NeulingOlivier, I want to see the completed model until first of May. Das ist ein Befehl.
29 March 2021, 08:00
Olivier 著者Aye aye Sir
29 March 2021, 09:36
TeeageBefehl ist Befehl
29 March 2021, 21:05
Olivier 著者Alles klar Herr Kommissar
29 March 2021, 21:09
Olivier 著者Building is moving slowly forward.
30 March 2021, 12:04
TeeageThe max speed is 48 km/h ?
30 March 2021, 21:52
TeeageThat's the way to get around during a lockdown ????
1 April 2021, 22:07
Olivier 著者Well, we are not really in lockdown. More a curfew....
1 April 2021, 22:14
Mark KLovely!
3 April 2021, 00:59
Olivier 著者Now on to find a solution for the unbalanced cannon...
And then cementing the hull.
And finding a driver and a commander figures...
3 April 2021, 15:12
Olivier 著者Counterweight installed.
4 April 2021, 21:17
TeeageFire in the hole??
4 April 2021, 21:32
Olivier 著者Ok so most of construction and base painting is done.
What should be the next step ? Gloss coating then wash and pigments I guess.
Any suggestions ?
5 April 2021, 12:10
TeeageDidn't the Sovjets had decals?
5 April 2021, 14:40
Olivier 著者Indeed they had. In principle I should go for the Uzbekistan version provided in the box.
5 April 2021, 16:20