F-14D VF-101 in progress
8 27 April 2021, 12:07

So, just to be clear, are you building the Academy kit or the G.W.H. kit? Not that it matters details wise as both kits are splendid renderings of the Tomcat. They just build up out of different parts. Curiuous to know and interested in your progress. Enjoy the build! 🙂
10 March 2023, 12:29

Some mess here... 🙂 I've started with Academy kit but some time ago I decided that I do it as na A version probably in Ghostriders livery🙂 Those seats I've already used in my HB Tomcat. This Grim Reaper I plan to make from GWH kit 🙂 Many Tomcats ahead in my head 😉)))
10 March 2023, 20:31

😂 I know exactly what you mean! For some of my projects I keep switching between kits to get the ultimate kit for the pan ultimate project. The 'unwanted' kits get used in 'quick' projects after that. 🫣 That never pans out then…
10 March 2023, 21:51