P-40N&P-40E in China
24 21 May 2021, 21:46

Hasegawa VS Trumpeter on a beloved theme... I'm grabbing popcorn!!!
22 May 2021, 14:33

Nice to see these kits build side by side. What's your opinion uptill now about the kits?
30 May 2021, 11:27

For shape accuracy especially the cockpit,Hasegawa is better;for easy to build and landing flaps,trumpeter。
Both kits are not prefect。
I'm looking forward the 1/32 GWH early P-40!
31 May 2021, 10:04

Building Trumpeter's P-40N in 1/32 right now, I will follow your build with mutch interest!
1 June 2021, 06:07
Album info
hasegawa P-40E
trumperter P-40N