Revell Ford GT Le Mans 2017 ??
17 12 June 2021, 21:17

That cockpit and engine look stunning. The painting of the body looks complicated?
12 June 2021, 23:07

Martin and Jonn the interior is all out of the box. Nothing aded. Only changes made until now are the white stripes of plastic to help the fit of the body and the lower side of the doors. These parts come on the rear body and were cutted out and glued on the doors otherwise when joining the body you get big gap on the doors . Any way a joint line between the doors and the bottom will be noticed. Regardind the painting yes is complicated mainly because it is dificult to paint the inner sides of the rear wheels cover.
13 June 2021, 21:22

After finding that the car at the end was going to be a look like I lost the feeling for it . It´s finnished but I`m not happy. Better models will come. I hope
16 July 2021, 20:00
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For many reasons I don't remenber now I promissed my self I would never say revell kits are bad or even worse than that. I believe those are the reasons I keep buying them. So , having this one in hands I decided to go on with it. Two years have passed and still on the workbench. Has promissed I don't say anything more.