Harrier gr7 1/144
23 16 August 2021, 20:21

It's not usual to see scratch building in 1/144, very nice work done here!
24 August 2021, 21:50

Thank you, hopefully I won't ruin it with the paintjob (my biggest hurdle)
25 August 2021, 06:30

The best is just to do it Bart. Master comes from practice. I have the same adding decals. It is indeed not my profession 😄
25 August 2021, 17:42

Anybody has some ideas for a weapons load for a Harrier in Norway?
2 September 2021, 20:13

Nice extra details. About the payload for a Harrier in Norway you should check out one of the Harrier Groups on FB. May they have a hint regarding your request.
4 September 2021, 18:31

You should pitch that Sidewinder to Pfizer as a next step to increase the vaccination rates... 😄
Great scratchbuilding and detailing, in this challenging scale 👍 really crazy stuff when you add some real world objects for comparison...
8 September 2021, 11:30

Mhhh, I havn't seen a scratch built Sidewinder so far in this scale. What is wrong with you, AMS? 😄
Just kidding, great job on the Winder, really impressive 👍
9 September 2021, 19:39

Thx Slavo for the compliments.
@Christian: no AMS, maybe MMS (mediocre modellers syndrome). But been looking at your scratchbuilds as a reference...
10 September 2021, 06:24

Looks great, Bart. I'm impressed, you managed to mask the underside without breaking the pylons! Top job with the canopy aswell!
21 December 2021, 14:54

Thank you S M, there are people here that can do more in this tiny scale then what I can. It's a challenge to try to obtain the same results
22 December 2021, 06:52

Little question: retry the painting on the weaponry? Landing gear mounted... small details too like the pitots. Those inside the engine were a nightmare to place...still the bangseat and decals to do....
31 December 2021, 12:28

Sidewinders look great, what a challenge must be just holding them while brushing!
31 December 2021, 12:32

First time I blew some fins off... spent one evening on my knees... some progress
20 January 2022, 21:59

Hey Bart, really nice build and good to see someone else adding/correcting details on a 1/144 kit. 👏👏
8 February 2022, 20:20

Amazing work. That instrument panel... what did you use...an electron microscope LOL 😁
8 February 2022, 20:41

Excellent build and detailed! The canopy looks a bit messy, but otherwise well painted 👍
8 February 2022, 21:31

Richard: not a lot of people do that, I don't know why.
Rui: the IP was rather simple. Paint it black and a grey wash. While wet, rub the excess slightly away.
S M: yeah, the main painpoint of this build... Had to choose between fixing up front and risking breaking it off while masking ofr fixing it afterwards.. Had to remount it several times in the end, and sanding the CA seemed a little harder then expected. Maybe I'll give it another go within a few days... but the risk of doing more bad then good is...
9 February 2022, 07:29

i agree with you Bart, adding details to 1/144 can be real fun. nice job in this one
9 February 2022, 10:16

For IP's, I've been taking pics from online and reducing to scale (always a bit of trial & error, but why do we have these apps, otherwise?) then printing out on light card. They always look better than whatever comes in kits at this scale, even if you generally can't really see them after everything is closed up.
9 February 2022, 11:46

That is a nice idea Richard. Thank you Christian and Spanjaard
9 February 2022, 20:47