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Fokker Dr.1 - Ltn Walter Göttsch


21 12 December 2021, 19:16
Great work there
 28 January 2022, 01:21
Rui S
Looking great 👍
 28 January 2022, 22:56
John Hewat
Terrific job on the streaking paintwork - and I love your custom paint brush!
 31 January 2022, 18:02
John Hewat
Two questions: the panel behind the seat is so beautifully weathered and finished. I'd love to know how you did that. And I'd love to know the paints you used for the base colour before streaking, as well as your blue for the bottom of the wings. I'm colour blind so it's hard for me to choose colours!
 31 January 2022, 18:09
cecil 著者
Thanks all!
John…to answer your questions, for the panel behind the seat I used a base of Tamiya Desert Yellow (XF-59) then using a dry sponge technique with Tamiya Red Brown (XF-64) I highlighted the edges and high spots. For the top of the wings I used a base of Vallejo Model Air Olive Drab (71.016) then used an oil based yellow ochre diluted to the consistency of cream. Then using a coarse brush worked it in with long back and forth diagonal strokes. As for the blue on the bottom I airbrushed a mix of Tamiya white (X-2) and Clear Blue X-23 in a 4:1 ratio (believe). I then airbrush a light coat of X-2 between the ribs to give it some contrast. Overall…I'm quite happy with the results….
 2 February 2022, 01:16
John Hewat
That is fantastic information - thank you so much!
 2 February 2022, 07:23

Album info

I'm finally going to breakdown and build the ubiquitous Fokker Dr.1 using the Meng kit which, from my understanding, is the Wingnut Wings kit that was never brought to market by WNW. I was going to go crazy and do the Manfred von Richthovfen version (i.e. all red), but just couldn't bring myself to go there... Instead I'm going to try one of the suggested Meng versions - Ltn Walter Göttsch (version D). I really like the colour scheme and the camouflage painting on the body and top of the wings should be a nice challenge. I'm also going to try a couple of new things. First, I'm going to use the Quinta Studio's 3D decals. I am intrigued by these 3 dimensional decals and interested to learn more about them. I'm also going to try the 3D printed under fuselage panel from Aviatik (Attres 052) and their corresponding photo etch set (Attres 053). I'd like to support this company (Aviatik) since I think they are doing some good work.

38 画像
1:32 Fokker Dr.I Triplane (Meng Model QS-002)1:32 Replacement Fokker F.I/DR.I 3-D printed fuselage panel (Aviattic ATTPE015)1:32 Fokker Dr.1 interior 3D decals (Quinta Studio QD32050)2+
Fokker Dr.I
DR Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte (Imperial German Air Force 1916-1920)
Jagdstaffel (Jasta) 19 202/17 (Lt. Walter Göttsch)
2月 1918 World War 1


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