F4U-1 Corsair
8 29 December 2021, 22:13 - プライベートメッセージ

Nice start. Did you mix the primer yourself? I've struggled to find the right shade of salmon pink primer here so I'm mixing my own.
11 January 2022, 21:55

Right on. I'm going to mix some Vallejo "amarantha red" (almost a terracotta) with some white and maybe a hit of yellow. So many problems though trying to match colours from a photograph.
13 January 2022, 14:34

Indeed. Have you seen the pics of the Birdcage raised from the lake in the US? The Salmon pink was quite dark IIRC but with 70 years in cold water who knows? Good luck with yours mate look forward to seeing your progress.👍
13 January 2022, 21:00

No, I'll go and look for that. I've been using this site for some of my references.
14 January 2022, 01:27