スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Jean-François Lacoste (32Dundee)

Jeep Willys


22 8 January 2022, 20:22
Bas Tonn
Nice little jeep
 8 January 2022, 20:47
Not seen a boot that packed since the early 80s and my dad filling a VW beetle to go on holidays. Looks great, particularly at 1/72.
 8 January 2022, 21:27
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
M'y station wagon looks like this every summer holidays.... 🤣
 8 January 2022, 21:33
Very nice painting job.
 9 January 2022, 10:42
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
Thanks mate. I will start weathering soon.
 9 January 2022, 10:45
Hugh CAST.
T'es à fond sur les Jeep en ce moment!!! 😳 Beau boulot sur celle-ci encore une fois.
 24 January 2022, 22:13
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
J'en ai quelques unes en stock.... Donc je m'exerce 😁. La prochaine sera peut-être une version Navy 😉
 24 January 2022, 22:46
Hugh CAST.
Et une British, 3rd infantry division, Normandie 44?
 24 January 2022, 22:53
 24 January 2022, 22:56
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
@hugues: faut que je trouve un visuel complet avec marquages et numéro du capot 👍
 24 January 2022, 23:00
Alex K
Excellent job 👍
 6 February 2022, 20:59
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
Thanks ALex, she is almost done 🙂
 6 February 2022, 21:04
1/72 ??????
 6 February 2022, 21:35
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
Yep Pepe. So much fun to built this S-Model kit!
 6 February 2022, 21:39
 6 February 2022, 22:25
I also want to build this with Haulers PE upgrading kit.Soon😀
Very nice job👍👍👍
 10 February 2022, 07:53
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
The Hauler PE will fit with the Heller kit, but some parts can be used for the S-Model kit
 10 February 2022, 08:49
Simon Nagorsnik
Well done jeep!
Nice weathering and the extra load gives the whole thing an interesting look👍
 10 February 2022, 09:03
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
thanks Simon 😉
 10 February 2022, 10:18
Hugh CAST.
Super taf mon poto!
 10 February 2022, 18:24
Jean-François Lacoste 著者
Merci copain. Elle est bientôt terminée, reste deux bricoles à mettre et zou vernis mat 😉
 10 February 2022, 20:27

Project info

43 画像
1:72 Willys MB & Trailer (S-Model (China) PS720046)


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