スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Johan van Meerloo (roarex)

84 NL P51


20 2 April 2022, 18:12
Dave Flitton
Brave!! Looking good
 3 April 2022, 19:46
Johan van Meerloo 著者
its such a crappy kit
 3 April 2022, 19:50
Johan van Meerloo 著者
think of your worse revell kit and then 10 times worse
 3 April 2022, 19:51
Bruce Huxtable
Liking the paint finish, Johan. Was this by brush?
 28 April 2022, 16:32
Johan van Meerloo 著者
yes brush, but its kinda not high priority, now first finishing the german airforce Im building.
then it will be the side projects.
 28 April 2022, 19:29
Roy McKay
It looks "inspired" by the Matchbox kit. Nice work Johan.
 29 April 2022, 11:31
Johan van Meerloo 著者
well not in a good sence its real crappy the starfix kit at least the airfix one that som other person scrapped an im rebuilding is a good kit but it was butchered so need to scratch build some of it
 29 April 2022, 21:04
Johan van Meerloo 著者
left is crap right is nice but bad shape
 29 April 2022, 21:04

Project info

27 画像
1:72 North American P-51D Mustang (Starfix 709/05)


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