Swiss Me 109 E
26 22 April 2022, 22:43

A Swiss Emil! I'm in 👍
Be careful with the decals - I guess the white will not cover 100% (Decals sind nicht deckend).
Will you do it in RLM 70/71 or only 71?
25 April 2022, 18:19

Hi Thomas, I have ordered masks from LF (same manufacturer) as well and will try these.
At the moment I plan RLM 71 only. Want to keep the efforts to a minimum... I am longing for something Flugwaffe since a long time - and this is supposed to be a quick cure. At least I hope that...
25 April 2022, 19:38

The Tamiya Kit is nice and should be a quick build (unless you got the "Bible" on Swiss Messerschmitts and go for top accuracy).
Built the Tamiya myself as J-346 with the Sharkmouth and less accuracy 🙂
25 April 2022, 19:47

Fine -what decals did you use for your J-346? I initially stumbled over the Euro Decals Sheet Messerschmitt Emils Part 1, containing a shark-mouthed J-377.
25 April 2022, 20:52

I have the Cutting Edge Sheet - well what remained .. and I have the (partially used) "Rising Decals" RD48007 Sheet still with the Sharkmouth ... just in case you want to change your plans 🙂
25 April 2022, 21:23

In the meantime I have made some progress. The paintjob is finished. I used stencils for the Swiss crosses the first time and I am quite happy with the result.
6 May 2022, 22:36

Thank you Thomas! After another evening/night shift the decals are on. As I have already painted the Swiss crosses the remaining decals mainly consisted of the registration numbers and some maintence markings.
8 May 2022, 07:56

Thanks James! To me the Swiss scheme fits the 109 very well. Supports the sleek lines and muscular yet wiry (is that the correct expression?) appearance of an early 109.
14 May 2022, 06:55