Edgley EA-7 Optica
51 23 April 2022, 18:15

Quite good. "Some" sanding is needed, especially in places where one part should be placed inside the other (bloated plastic?) but except that everything fits good and detail are rather good. It's not a "cut-and-click" model, but much better than AModel for example.
24 April 2022, 08:01

Fantastic work, Kon_Bar! I have assembled this some time ago too and I agree that this is quite a well-developed kit. Of course, your looks much better than mine...
24 April 2022, 08:35

A very nice, tiny model. Was it the one that was displayed at the Sikorski Model Show 2022?
25 June 2022, 07:52

Beautiful job. Never seen this airplane before. Nice to learn about a new one
25 June 2022, 08:55

I love everyhing out of the ordinary, but this plane truly stands out. Very good job, too!
25 June 2022, 18:12

The 1989 movie, "Slipstream" with Bill Paxton and Mark Hamill had one of these in it. Really nice kit! Great job!
25 June 2022, 19:44