RE 8 Harry Tate
31 28 April 2022, 17:16

Thanks guys! This is my fourth model since taking up the hobby during COVID, so I'm still learning. This is my toughest model yet… hope to have more to show over the next few weeks.
6 May 2022, 20:42

You're doing a really good work here, Cecil. It's a complex model - myself I am reluctant to start WnW kit...
7 May 2022, 06:06

Karl... For woodgrain I've played around with a bunch of methods, but right now I've settled on using a base of Tamiya XF-59 Dessert Yellow. I then dry brush oil paints (I start with a light coat of Yellow Ochre cut with Winsor & Newton - Liquid Fine Detail). This thins the paint and quickens the cure time. Then depending on the texture and colour I'm looking for I add darker colours (in order - Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber and Ivory Black). For instance if I want a really dark wood grain I use the entire spectrum (but be careful as you use the dark colours...thin dry brushing is the key). I then coat the entire surface with either Tamiya X-24 Clear Yellow or X-26 Clear Orange or a combination depending on how dark a shade I'm looking for. you have an alternate method...I'd be interested... Thx...Cecil
30 May 2022, 20:01

No worries about hijacking the thread...I love the discussion. Nice work on the weathering, I may play around a bit with some of your suggestions. I've used soft Patels for my props, but not anything inside the cockpit. BTW...your engine looks fantastic...much better than mine. What did you use for wiring? Any aftermarket parts? Any hints on your finishing? Cecil
1 June 2022, 18:33

Just checking my stalemates account after being off-line for 6 weeks 🙁 Thanks fellas...I really appreciate the encouragement. I REALLY liked this model...a very cool WWI aircraft! Highly recommended...Cecil
18 March 2023, 15:47
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RE 8 Harry Tate