65 1 May 2022, 14:52

Very brilliant build! How was the strength of Sio's 3D printed landing gear legs?
1 May 2022, 15:24

Thanks guys. @zhou the strength is ok. The problem is removing the parts from the print structure, a nightmare. The option of the external cannon was available but during the cutting process it came apart, unfortunately. The biggest issue in this kit was the wrong decals and stencil provided (B version)... Unbelievable. So I had to buy an extra Begemot decals sheet...
1 May 2022, 16:16

Don't get me wrong, the kit is really top quality overall. ☺️
2 May 2022, 08:09

For transparent I use the "ultra glue" for transparent by Ammo. The exterior part of the canopies is fully transparent (then painted accordingly), internally you apply the structure which is normal plastic
1 June 2022, 15:06

У меня такой же набор лежит в коробке...думаю чем этот герметик нарисовать, что бы аккуратно получилось
1 June 2022, 18:47

Hi Alessandro,
How was the printed exhaust nuzzles? any issue?
I don't know if I should get this kit or get the AMK + Katran's exhaust nozzles
Thanks mate
16 November 2023, 13:34

Hi Ray, no problem with the nozzles, as far as I recall. Cannon and gears are a nightmare to detach from their frame.
Be careful, the decals are totally wrong for the BM/BSM version.
16 November 2023, 17:22

Hi mate,
That's horrible you had to pay extra for the correct decals. I get the seller to check them for me.
Honestly, I have no faith in any of the none-Japanese manufacturers and their customer support is non-existent.
Thanks for sharing your experience with the community
17 November 2023, 04:54

Don't misunderstand me, the kit is TOP quality, go for it, they probably "forgot" to replace the decals of the B/BS version. Yes, it's a shame but buying the Begemot decals is really worth it.
17 November 2023, 08:59