Where to?
9 14 July 2022, 12:56

Well, the Austin is ready. It has been quite a journey, with a loaded book shelf crashing down on it. This made me close up the engine compartment, since some parts were either missing or damaged beyond repair. Yet I am more than satisfied with the results.
10 September 2022, 08:00

The Whippet nears completion too. I made the storage bins myselve and got the decals from a friend of mine. Takom (who made the decals) forgot the red over white flashes, so I painted them on...
19 October 2022, 10:56

I finished the Whippet last week... Added fuel cans, a funnel and a tarpaulin....
19 November 2022, 12:34
Album info
The crews of a British Whippet and Austin are conferring where they should go, while a bunch of locals look on. Irish civil war...