Messerschmitt GmbH, Regensburg
32 23 August 2022, 14:17

With this one I will go into a bit of a What-If-Scenario. No military-alt-history stuff, but more of a civilian route. Let's see how that goes...
23 August 2022, 14:31

Never seen this kit built up, it actually looks very detailed and crisp. How was the fit?
28 August 2022, 16:31

Hi Patrick,
For a Heller kit of its vintage the fit is pretty good. There are some small gaps at the wing roots that only need a little bit of filling. I was even considering not to bother with them at all. Other than that just the usual bit of scraping and sanding along seamlines to get them smooth.
29 August 2022, 07:41

Hi Rando,
I actually ordered one after I saw your build. I'll use it as a little in-between-build when my other projects are drying or so. I'm even thinking whether I'll rescribe the raised panel lines or leave them as they are.
29 August 2022, 11:56

Trying to apply the decals and it is a bit of a struggle. Current era Heller decals are not good, to put it mildly. The carrier film is very thin, stiff and brittle. It breaks easily just by looking at it and won't stick to the surface of the model without generous amounts of decal solution.
Anyone who wants to do a more serious build with this kit should probably get replacements.
31 August 2022, 10:49

Good to know! Thank you Rando! As I only want to build it as a relaxing subject in between my more serious projects, I won't personally see this as an issue, but it's good that fellow modelers are warned. 🙂
31 August 2022, 14:08

And it is finished.
For the paint scheme I thought, what if someone entered an air race, like the National Championship Air Races in Reno for example, with a Bf 109? What could that bird look like?
Maybe a start of a collection or something... imagine, fantasy air racers, no more limits by historical accuracy, the plane is a canvas...
3 September 2022, 17:13

Fantastic results. I really admire your skills and your superb fantasy. Well done!!!!!
3 September 2022, 17:30