スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Thomas Wirsching (Black_Sheep)

Churchill Bridgelayer, Germany 1945


28 31 October 2022, 17:58
Thomas Wirsching 著者
Finally finished one of my poor shelf queens. This bridgelayer was already finished build and prepainted sitting for about three years at my shelf of doom, waiting for getting finally weathered and finished. Always hesitated not to ruin the precious kit. Now its time to think about a worthy diorama for it
 31 October 2022, 18:05
After three years in the water it is all rusty now...
 31 October 2022, 18:52
Thomas Wirsching 著者
Hey Olivier, actually it is no rust but MIG Europe dust pigments together with some light dust and russian earth for the darker spots
 31 October 2022, 18:57
My mistake... Anyway an impressive model.
 31 October 2022, 19:04
impressive realism 👏 I love it
 27 November 2022, 21:37
Thomas Wirsching 著者
Thank you very much 😇
 28 November 2022, 16:55
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work. A very interesting subject.
 28 November 2022, 18:08
Guy Rump
Very nice indeed. 👍
 28 November 2022, 20:54
Pietro De Angelis
 28 November 2022, 21:44
Alain Parent
Very inspiring.
 26 March 2024, 17:28

Project info

9 画像
1:35 Churchill Bridgelayer For AFV CLUB (International Models Asia IMA01635)1:35 Churchill Mk.VII (Tamiya 35210)1:35 Canadian/British Tank Crewman #2 Europe - Late 1944-45 (Ultracast 35020)2+


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