Panzer Ausf SK604 GANS D Seekatze
18 5 November 2022, 13:21

1/20 2004 WAVE, NITTO and Modelkasten Panzer Aufkalarungs SK604 GANS Ausf D. "Seekatze" (Catfish), Automated Anti-Falke Unit. Repaint in progress. Had this for a while on the shelf of shame, time to get it finished.
5 November 2022, 13:24

The one thing that hooked me onto Ma.k, was the Artificial Intelligence controlled GANS. like a Diesel punk iron chicken, armed with missile launchers, bristling with cameras, probes and sensors. So far my favourite kit I own.
6 November 2022, 19:10

Apparently I'm going for an early vietnam war look. Subconscious colour scheme, had absolutely no plan at all, just went with the flow. Weathering and chipping may bring it all together.
9 November 2022, 23:36

Hmm. Top half is done. Still trying to do a quick, dirty weather up. Looking ok.
10 November 2022, 15:53

And that's that finished. I could keep going, but that's enough. 1/20 WAVE, NITTO and MODELKASTEN Panzer Ausf D GANS "SEEKATZE " Einheit Gelb Zwei, Brasilia 2882.
11 November 2022, 15:44

Fantastic finish. You've got me opening up my Gans kit right now…
25 November 2022, 21:11