Xmas newyear build
Photo 1 of 29
11 24 December 2022, 23:55

Would look good in either of those coors. You're off to a good start!! Body is looking nice.
25 December 2022, 04:44

Thanks kyle this is were it goes of the rail's
The 427 big block ford fits perfectly in the the chassie but let's see what I can do
25 December 2022, 05:22

Thanks Mona hope Santa had some nice kits for you
Or just wait for him next xmas and kick him in the nuts
25 December 2022, 05:43

Ah Jv. I think a 427 Ford would be a great upgrade over the anemic Blue Flame that car came with. Plus if you were going for straight off the showroom accuracy you'd have to paint it Polo white with a red interior. Your color options are much better. I'll sit back and enjoy your customizations
25 December 2022, 05:56

Thanks kyle glad you like it
I really don't think anyone would keep this original if not in a museum
And after looking at others building very interesting builds
For a longtime now
I think I can do it to
Now I will see what I can do whed it
I am using a monogram ac cobra kit as a donor
If it dosent work out I got plenty other kits to pitch parts out of
And also a good spares box to help out
This time I won't fire up the airbrush and just use cans
Cos I got plenty of them to use up and after seeing what others have done now I am more informed about what to do
25 December 2022, 06:07

Looks to be half Corvette half Shelby Cobra (the better half being the Shelby half) ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
25 December 2022, 18:32

Lol Bob I was looking forward to see what you had to say on this one
I am looking at the suspension on the cobra kit
And thinking to see if I can transplant that to
25 December 2022, 19:21

I also have a 57 corvette monogram kit I may use some parts out of
For now just looking at things
Will finish the sanding and get some paint on the body today
Then it needs a bit of filler in a few place's and probably more sanding let's see
25 December 2022, 19:28

Guess I should do the 57 Thunderbird then. Which out sold Corvette. In it's first year of production out sold Chevy in it's first 3 years combined ! Woo Hoo , BLUE OVAL BABY ! ☝️
25 December 2022, 21:54

That one I will probably put a 350 chev in just to make it faster and more reliable
25 December 2022, 22:01

There's always the 429 Boss option, then it would two wings short of being fighter plane fast !
25 December 2022, 22:17

I vote for the 429 Boss Thunderbird. 😂 And I'm not a brand fan at all. Just love things with engines. But big cubic inches are always better. Lol.
25 December 2022, 23:14

Engine and headers cleaned up and glued test fit whed
Valve covers still just loose on
Looks like firewall will jus need a small trim
And iner guards will have to be shaved a bit
26 December 2022, 01:26

Yes kyle I think it makes it a bit easier that I am using 3 monogram kits so a bit the same platform
But sure wish I had a few more tools lol
26 December 2022, 01:42

Munky ! Your alive ! I thought your crazy ass got abducted and you were returned to your home planet !
26 December 2022, 01:55

Side pipes just gave me alot more work on the body
So lots more prep before paint
Exsorsts are given mold in the body I feal I will have to file that part of now and fill in the holes I think The rest of today will be much more filing and preparation
26 December 2022, 02:21

Monkey I think Bob missed you just as much as the rest of us
Happy to have you on board and look forward to see your next build
26 December 2022, 07:02

You can deepen panel lines with the back of a #11 blade.
Nice work jv!
27 December 2022, 13:41

Thanks Martin I was scrap my head thinking how to do that
I was thinking to use a drill bit
But yes any idea will help I will try yours first
At the back I had to sand and file lots and panel lines need a bit of work I dident think of how much more work it would be being
27 December 2022, 13:57

Nice work! Seems a bit ironic that the metal body is giving you trouble when the original was plastic 😉
28 December 2022, 00:22

I'm watching this. Especially the painting. I have those Bandit-TransAm in my shelf. Also with a metal body.
3 October 2023, 05:29

Thanks chistan that is cool
Haven't painted anything for a while now
Building has been put on hold for a bit
I will have to paint outside to not kill myself in fumes
3 October 2023, 05:39

*lol* That is the little risk of a model builder. At least burning the eye browns *giggle* I know this problem. Mostly I paint with rattle can and therefor outside of cause. In the wip of the Mustang I read, taht you're using rustoleum. You wrote, the need some tme more to be dry. How long is that?
One tip I can give you on the way: before I paint my stuff, I warm the rattel cans up. For mine I use a little oven. Around 70 degrees celsius. I check it in between how hot it is. As long as I can hold it in my hand, it is good. The other possibility is to use a water boiler. Cooking water and sit the rattle can into it for a couple minutes. Again: as long as you can hold it in your hand without gloves, it is good.
I do this because warm paint is better to work with.
3 October 2023, 05:52

Yes chistan I use to use rustolium and a few other cans I got from the hardware shop
I found them to be a bit thick
It is touch dry in about 30 minutes but releases gases much longer then tamiya
I do think the tamiya Paint smells stronger
Not I have managed to get some tamiya cans
And a mix of tamiya ,revell , and all sorts of brands in jars aswell
I also got a compressor and looking forward to get a good airbrush at some point
Sofare I have just spent most on kits
Lately there has been lots of butiful kits in the shops
And also after covid is not an issue
There is alot of kits on the second hand market that have been very well priced
Now we are going into spring here that will make it a bit better to Paint outside
Thanks for the tip on heating up the paints
In the time sense I have Painted last I have learnt much from other builders here
Not just about Painting but also the prep
I believe when I do Paint next time it will be much better ☺️
3 October 2023, 10:03

Airbrush i'm using mostly for my silver Corvette to be sure, that the models have the same color at the end. I prefer rattle cans where ever I can. Quick and dirty 😉
3 October 2023, 12:02

I started whed rattle cans from the hardware shop now I did get some tamiya ones about 40 sofare not all are the best colours for cars
Because I got most of them new on the second hand market
Most are more suited for amour builds
Not a big problem for me in the long run
Sense I buy any kit if it's at a good price 😆
So I got kits covering most subjects
The ones I don't like much I just sale of or trade for car kits
But sure keep the ones I like in all subjects
I sure am still developing were I am going in the hobby
and you sure have been appreciated over time whed your knowledge of kits over the time here on scalemates
Like all here I guess we all do this on some sort of budget
In the beginning I thought a 50 doller kit was an expensive kit
Now I don't buy many kits at that price anymore
The details have been more important now
Lastly I got a few of the bmw 1/ 9 bike kits by meng
I can only recommend them
I think thay look like and easy build
And a fantastic kit
But sure I will have to learn to paint on some cheaper kits first
3 October 2023, 12:48
Album info
Got a few days of and though about what to build
Got a few metal kits lately
And this one looks interesting
I got one that is still factory sealed
And this one the lid is missing on the box and
Body has been primed