Pfalz DIII - Blue Max
March 18, 20232
March 18, 2023Here you can see the instructions for removing the styrene cowling and replacing it with the resin "movie version" cowling...3
March 18, 2023The cowling around the engine is resin and the fit is tricky as you can see4
March 18, 2023Another look at the resin cowling5
March 28, 2023This is the engine for the movie version...the top is resin with the base styrene6
March 28, 2023Its an odd version of an engine design for a Pfalz DIII...probably only used in the movie 🙂7
March 18, 2023The decals, specifically the lozenges were of very high quality and were a pleasure to work with.8
March 18, 2023The fit where the wing meets the fuselage was quite tricky however and required some additional work (i.e. blending colours, etc.) to fit contours9
March 18, 2023Another look at the wing/fuselage connection10
March 18, 2023The first assembly of the upper wing11
March 18, 2023For the movie version, many of the molded features had to be sanded off. This required a lot of work and filler around the resin piece. Since it was semi-gloss black, it took a lot of work to mostly remove the blemishes :-|12
March 18, 2023A different view13
March 18, 2023The landing gear was difficult to attach since the connections to the fuselage were not we'll designed (i.e. too shallow).
7 18 March 2023, 16:01
Album info
This shows the build log of this project - Pfalz DIII - Blue Max