スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Xu Ho (Etnf2)

アルバム (34)


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ZTZ 99 & 99A1 MBT HobbyBoss 1:35 View album, image #11
1:35 ZTZ 99A MBT (HobbyBoss 82439)1:35 ZTZ 99 MBT (HobbyBoss 82438)
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The Aces - The 50th anniversary of the Vietnam WarView album, image #10
First one is complete. A good start.
1:72 MiG-21MF Fighter-Bomber (Eduard 70142)1:72 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 'Fresco' (Shenyang J-5) (Airfix A03091)1:72 F-4D (Fine Molds FP47S)1+
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Tiger II HobbyBoss | No. 84533 | 1:35 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
This Tiger II Late type is from HobbyBoss, upgrade with metal tracks, fan made figures and aftermarket decals.
1:35 Tiger II (HobbyBoss 84533)
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M3 Lee Medium Tank Olive/Pink Girls und PanzerView album, image #5
In the image, it can be seen that the two brands' model kits exhibit noticeable differences in the representation of cas...
プロジェクト: M3 Lee Medium Tank Olive/Pink
1:35 M3 Lee Medium Tank (I Love Kit 63521)1:35 Rabbit Team (Platz GPF-13)1:35 M3 Lee (Takom 2085)1+
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Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger(P) Amusing Hobby | No. 35A023 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
I add a bit of blue in the Tamiya German Grey. CM technique with some sand color weathering.
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger(P) (Amusing Hobby 35A023)1:35 Leopon San Team Figure Set (Platz GPF-27)1:35 Leopon San Team (Platz GPF-4)
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T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory & KlaraView album, image #1
1:35 T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory (Rye Field Model RM-5040)1:35 Klara (Modelkasten )
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USN F/A-18F "VFA-103 Jolly Rogers" MCP Academy | No. 12535 | 1:72View album, image #2
1:72 USN F/A-18F "VFA-103 Jolly Rogers" (Academy 12535)
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Challenger 2 in Iraq Tamiya 1:35 35274 View album, image #1
This is a quick project. I built it with what was in the box, no upgrades. Had fun.
1:35 Challenger 2 (Tamiya 35274)
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M4 Sherman Tamiya | No. 35190 | 1:35 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
Tamiya Sherman M4 kit with fan made figures.
1:35 M4 Sherman (Tamiya 35190)
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JS-2 Tamiya | No. 35289 | 1:35 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
Tamiya kit with San Xin metal tracks.
1:35 IS-2 (Tamiya 35289)1:35 Nonna (Modelkasten )
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T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory 02 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
The T-34-85 in the animation Girls und Panzer does not strictly match either the 174 or 183 factory models. However, sin...
1:35 T-34/85 Model 1944 No.174 Factory (Rye Field Model RM-5040)1:35 Katyucha (Modelkasten )No Streaking & Wet Effects Airbrush Stencils (Liang Model LIANG-0002)
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Tiger I Tamiya | No. 35216 | 1:35View album, image #1
This time, I worked on Tamiya's classic Tiger model kit, which I bought online as an unfinished project. I corrected ass...
1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35216)
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KV-2 Trumpeter | No. 303535 | 1:35 Girls und PanzerView album, image #1
1:35 Nina (Modelkasten )1:35 Alina (Modelkasten )1:35 KV-2 (Trumpeter 00312)
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Panzer IV Ausf. H Tamiya | No. 35209 | 1:35View album, image #1
This project is my attempt at creating models from the *Girls und Panzer* series. The challenge lies in striking a balan...
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. H / Sd.Kfz. 161/1 (Tamiya 35209)1:35 Miho Nishizumi (Modelkasten )
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Churchill Mk.VII Tamiya | No. 35210 | 1:35View album, image #1
This time, I aimed to create a "clean" tank model, representing a battle-hardened crew that maintains their vehicle in e...
1:35 Churchill Mk.VII (Tamiya 35210)1:35 St. Gloriana Girls Academy Figure Set (Platz GPF-33)
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Tiger I RFM | No. RM-5001 | 1:35 Girls und Panzer View album, image #1
with fan made figture & 3D printed upgrades.
1:35 Tiger I (Rye Field Model RM-5001)
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Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. D Girls und PanzerView album, image #13
Girls und Panzers - Tank is finished. The figures are still WIP.
プロジェクト: Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. D
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. D (Tamiya 35096)1:35 Anko Team Cleaning Version (Platz GPF-11)
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PLA ZTZ99A MBT Border Model | No. BT-022 | 1:35View album, image #23
Use a blue hue as a third light source. a few update: 1, Panda kit figures. 2, Panda kit workable tracks. 3,remove the f...
1:35 ZTZ99A (Border Model BT-022)1:35 ZTZ-99A MBT Mask & Improve Appearance (Galaxy Model D35025)1:35 ZTZ-99A MBT (Panda Hobby PH-35018)
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Leopard 2 A6 Revell | No. 03060 | 1:35View album, image #1
1:35 Leopard 2 A6 (Revell 03060)
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PZH2000 Meng Model | No. TS-019 | PZH2000 in AfghanistanView album, image #13
1:35 Panzerhaubitze 2000 (Meng Model TS-019)1:35 PzH2000 SPH Lenses and taillights (Voyager Model BR35023)
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PLA ZTZ99A MBT HobbyBoss | No. 84518 | 1:35View album, image #28
1:35 PLA ZTZ-99A MBT (HobbyBoss 84518)1:35 PLA ZTZ-99A MBT DIE CUT FLEXIBLE MASK & improve appearance (Galaxy Model D35004)1:35 Armored Vehicle Crew (Meng Model HS-011)
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T-34 Mod. 1943 Uralmash Zvezda | No. 3689 | 1:35View album, image #1
1:35 T-34/76 (Zvezda 3689)
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Porsche 911 Turbo '88 Tamiya | No. 24279 | 1:24View album, image #1
1:24 Porsche 911 Turbo '88 (Tamiya 24279)
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1974 Porsche 911 Carrera RS 3.0 Fujimi | No. EM-21View album, image #1
1:24 1974 Porsche 911 Carrera RS 3.0 (Fujimi EM-21)
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F/A-18F Super Hornet Revell 1:48 04509View album, image #1
プロジェクト: F/A-18F Super Hornet
1:48 F/A-18F Super Hornet two seater (Revell 04509)
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F-14A Tomcat "VF-84 Jolly Rogers 1980" Academy | No. 12426 | 1:72View album, image #1
1:72 F-14A Tomcat (Academy 12426)1:72 Pilot and Operator (Aerobonus 720 027)1:72 F-14A (Eduard CX567)
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F-14B "Bombcat" Great Wall Hobby | No. L7208 | 1:72View album, image #1
lost a sensor during building. I will find one and put it there later on.
1:72 F-14B "Bombcat" (Great Wall Hobby L7208)1:72 Pilot and Operator (Aerobonus 720 027)1:72 F-14B Tomcat (Eduard CX605)
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Metal Gear REX Black Ver. Kotobukiya | No. KP305 | 1:100View album, image #1
1:100 Metal Gear REX (Kotobukiya KP305)
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Turn X Gundam MG 1:100View album, image #25
プロジェクト: Turn X Gundam MG
1:100 Concept-X6-1-2 Turn X (Bandai 0189508)
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White Vanship with VespaView album, image #1
プロジェクト: Vanship with Vespa
1:72 Tatiana's Vanship & Fam's Vespa (Hasegawa 64507)
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[Last Exile] Vanships & VespaView album, image #1
プロジェクト: Vanship with Vespa
1:72 Tatiana's Vanship & Fam's Vespa (Hasegawa 64507)
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Tatiana's Vanship with Steam BombView album, image #5
プロジェクト: Tatiana’s Vanship
1:72 Vanship (Hasegawa 64778)1:48 Sights (Metallic Details MD0005)1:72 C-47 Cargo Seatbelts (Eduard 73514)1+
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Vanship with Steam TorpedoView album, image #5
プロジェクト: Vanship with Steam Torpedo
1:72 Vanship (Hasegawa 64713)1:48 Japanese Type 97 7,7mm machine gun barrels (Master AM-48-022)1:72 C-47 Cargo Seatbelts (Eduard 73514)1+


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MyAlbumView album, image #1