At the Edge of the Universe
- 名前:
- At the Edge of the Universe
- カテゴリー:
- SF » その他の
- 期間:
- 範囲なし (Fictitious)
- 使用者:
- メーカー:
Shaun David Hutchinson

"At the Edge of the Universe. Strange Company’s adventures. Episode II.
"The birth of the Team. The First Raid"

World of Fantasy Series
At the Edge of the Universe - Strange Company’s adventures Episode V. Recognition 

Beastorian Champion – "Chuck" AKA Nifrath At the Edge of the Universe, Episode III
Master Box (MB) 1:24MB24057 2019 新金型

Dimachaerus (master of two blades) Champion – "Parselen" AKA Helen Parsons At the Edge of the Universe, Episode III
Master Box (MB) 1:24MB24056 2019 新金型

Tiberious 'Ty' Constellation Hackington III At the Edge of the Universe
Master Box (MB) 1:24MB24054 2018 新金型

At the edge of the Universe.
Back off Strange Company´s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. 

At the edge of the Universe.
Keep moving, Nothing to see here. Everything is under control Strange Company´s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. 

At the edge of the Universe.
Don´t even think about... Strange Company´s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. 

At the edge of the Universe.
Wow, I like it! Strange Company´s adventures. Episode I. The first meeting. 