Thread started by chrispisme

added a new photoalbum.
20 16 December 2024, 03:12

I can only add to the praise. I'd love to read a word or two on you in-build impressions. Me thinks that you did some serious finetuning, aftermarket and detailling.
1 16 December 2024, 09:10

A very nice addition to your other turboprop commuters.... Very nice! 👍
1 16 December 2024, 19:50

Thanks very much mates, this one took a bit of work to get across the finish line! I can confirm the struggle and the only component of the model not modified, converted, changed or, replaced was the cockpit floor and instrument panel, those two pieces are as is from the kit. The fuselage was lengthened, reprofiled nose and tail, replaced all the cabin windows, modified the cockpit windows, added span and chord to the main planes, span to the tail planes, bullet fairing on the vertical fin, new landing gear, new engines new props/ spinners and on and on and on.
I previously completed a DHC-8 300 so thought this would be….doable, well it was but almost not.
All I need now is another -8 kit to do the 100 as is from the box
Thanks again to all who liked and replied!
Very encouraging folks here
3 16 December 2024, 23:05

I admire your perseverance and skills, Chris! Chapeau bas!
2 19 December 2024, 07:46

Thanks Chris. Your almost lakonic words hint at why your model looks slightly different from the boxart.
I am quite interested in some inbuild pictures if there are some. Did you use aftermarket stuff or is everything scratchbuild?
Anyway, I can only nod in agreement to Roberts words.
1 19 December 2024, 09:20

Thank you very much!
Michael Kohl, I did a stern to finish build thread on another site called "Large scale planes" in the category "none LSP builds. The whole build is there from start to finish, it may be a week old by now but here's the link
1 19 December 2024, 15:00

Incredible job, hats off! Now I'm convinced to stick to my 1/144 Karaya edition and use the Hobbycraft 72nd for 100 version 😄
1 19 December 2024, 15:18

Yeah. That blog confirms all my suspicions and further raises my esteem. Insane modelling. Very very fine. I don't dare ask how you managed to cut and shape the windows so evenly.
By the way: how did you manage to cut and shape the windows so evenly? 😉
19 December 2024, 19:40

I fully agree with Michael here - that's the pure art of modelling!
19 December 2024, 20:06

Thank you very much!
The windows were a simple (well simple compared to other work) job of scanning the Nazca decals sheet of the cabin windows (he includes the windows as decals) then cutting the paper scan out, using pva, gluing it to the side of the model and using a grinding tool in a Dremel to drill and grind out the shape created by the paper decal. Then re-wet the paper template loosening the pva glue and scrubbing away the paper template...easy as sliding on ice.
2 19 December 2024, 20:28

Ha, piece'a'cake!!! 😉
Thanks mate for the detailed explanation. I had a similar problem civilizing my Focke Wulf Fw-200 from a (military) C-, to the civil A-version but dreaded the effort and doubted my skill. So I chose a different approach.
Again. The -8 is a beauty and all the effort you put in catches the attention. For civil aviation my model of the year.
2 19 December 2024, 20:51