Thread started by strobez

added a new photoalbum.
11 images
Tintin: Voir et Savoir 36 - Focke-Wulf 190-A9
I had to CAREFULLY trim that awesome red striping off the decals. It was a shame, but I didn't have much choice. Not a l...
19 31 January, 16:27

Starting to clear out the shelf of doom. I started this project (and my soon to be update Mustang Voir et Savoir project) as a parallel to the The Battlefield - The Black Knight of Berlin (part 1) | Album by strobez (1:144) - mainly because the Platz boxes came with two kits in one. However, even though I've long since finished the Black Knight project, the "alternates" have sat warming the shelf ever since. About time I completed them. Truth be told, some of the early pictures in this project are also the same ones published as part of the Black Knight ones... but they're separate projects and represent a twin build process, so I'm hopefully forgiven.
1 31 January, 16:41

Ok... feels better to have an updated pic in the album~ For some reason the paint seems a bit dry and bumpy. I might have to take a microfibre cloth to it.
1 1 February, 19:12

I thought those panel lines are a bit thick for 1:72 - then I realized its 1:144. Well done to Platz for such a good kit
3 February, 13:34

Yeah. The Platz kits are generally beauties. They are a bit of a double-edged sword though. I had a bit of trouble with the painting on this one. I think my airbrush was a bit dirty and I didn't have as much control over the flow of paint as usual. So, after my first attempt at painting a splotchy Luftwaffe camouflage I chalked it up to my lack of skill and repainted it and tried again. The even worse result made me realize that the needle in my airbrush was opening up too much and was making a mess of things. The problem is, after 4-5 coats of paints... undercoat, camo, undercoat again, slight fix, camo, etc. It was starting to look too soft. So I ended up washing all the paint off (and scribing some of the stubborn bits out of those fine panel lines using an old airbrush needle). Needless to say, It was a bit frustrating, but I think I'm ready to try again.
3 February, 16:55

Thanks Spanjaard. Got it cleaned up, but now I have to mask the canopy again… sigh.
4 February, 07:44

I'm not sure the camouflage worked as well as I hoped, but perhaps my expectations of my airbrush skills in 1/144 scale were aspirational. 😉
11 February, 16:44

Modified decals on. A panel line wash in 1/144 is hard to control, but it makes all the difference. It turns those tiny kits from toys into models.
20 February, 13:49

Thanks Guy! I also just noticed that I seem to have forgotten the rear wheel. There it is, still on the sprue for safekeeping and everything~
20 February, 16:34