Thread started by strobez

added a new photoalbum.
15 25 February, 04:09

Thanks guys. You two always have reserved seats in the VIP section.
@Nils - I've only ever found one, relatively obscure, full-colour picture of McCoy's C-130. All the available decals seem to get the colour scheme wrong (mainly the gold/yellow coloured dollar sign), so I'm looking to correct that.
25 February, 18:31

Got some of the insides painted. Given that you won't see all that much of it, I'm skimping on some of the details I might otherwise have attempted. I must be getting lazy. Don't tell Spanjaard.
26 February, 17:30

After having painted the interior and assembled the fuselage, I think my choice to skip some details was justified. Trying to fish the wires through the small hole I made in the bottom, I had my workbench spotlight shining right down the back cargo door... and I still could barely see anything. Getting the motors wired up was a bit of a challenge, but I think I might need to add some more resistance to the circuit under the base. Sometimes, especially when dealing with multiple motors, the individual resistors will create a rotation speed that perfectly vibrates the plastic that it will buzz. The more motors, the greater the chance. I added a small (10 ohm) resistor to the circuit and they all seemed to calm down nicely.
27 February, 16:24

Thanks Alec. Now comes everyone's favourite part... putty and sanding!
1 28 February, 15:44

Hello, Greg!
I'm watching your work with interest.
The question about electric motors: which ones and where to buy?
1 March, 11:13

Good to see you hanging around, Peter!
Dennis - Thanks. I don't have a specific motor that I use, but I usually get them off eBay or AliExpress. What you want to look for is the size. The best ones I've found are 4mm wide by 8mm long and run on power between DC 1.5V to 3V. One thing to consider is the length of the shaft as well. I buy some that have a short (2-3mm) shaft, and some with a longer shaft. This gives you a bit of flexibility in where you can put them inside the model. For example. If you stick a motor into a P-51 Mustang, there's lots of room for the motor to hid in the engine area. It's nice and round. But I built a 1/144 scale Cessna and the short triangular shaped engine cowl meant I needed to push the motor back into the cockpit area. I didn't have a motor with a long enough shaft that time, but it sure would've been handy. 🙂
1 March, 17:30

If you find any that are smaller than 4mm wide... let me know. I've got a project idea that needs an even smaller motor than that!
1 March, 17:31

So far so good on the can't even tell that I screwed up while inverting the money bag marking for the other side. The bag needed to be flipped… but not the dollar sign. Luckily I had a backup decal and a very sharp knife. 😉
5 March, 14:38

Some CAREFUL masking of the decals. Hopefully this is going to work. 🙂
6 March, 17:00

Masked off the grey undercarriage coat and got some desert yellow on. It's starting to look like a thing.
7 March, 16:22

Nice progress. I am FREAKIN' about that tape lifting those awesome decals up… 😅
7 March, 19:40

Yeah, me too... but I put a significant coat of Future both under AND over them. They seem pretty sturdy. We shall see though...
1 7 March, 20:24

im kinda nervous, im afraid that the tape migth tear those decals off.
keeping my fingers crossed for this.
7 March, 21:20

It was a bit dicey removing some of the camouflage tape, but so far so good, I think.
1 8 March, 14:42

Not 100% happy with my job on the camouflage, but I'm super glad the decals seemed to have survived... and worked even better than I expected. Might just quit while I'm ahead on this one. 🙂
1 10 March, 16:34

Thanks Alec. I was a bit worried that she was a tail sitter, but the open cargo bay seems to have mostly remedied that. She'll be glued down on the base, so it shouldn't really matter, but less stress on the glue is probably helpful.
1 12 March, 13:59