scale modeling database | stash manager

Thread started by bughunter

will attend
11 January 2019, 09:56
Daniel Klink
Me too 👍👍 Same Place same Table?
But you should change from Visitor to Exhibitor my dear😉
 11 January 2019, 10:19
bughunter Author
Thx for the hint, changed. I had to add the event, was not yet listed.
 11 January 2019, 11:36
Peter Hardy
Take plenty of photos and let us in far flung places see it too please!
 17 January 2019, 07:03
Greg Baker
Given what he'll have on display, you can probably trust Daniel, but if I was sharing a table with bughunter, some of his models would slowly migrate closer to my name plate...😉
 17 January 2019, 07:18
Peter Hardy
Your evilness is showing Greg.
 17 January 2019, 07:33
Daniel Klink
@well done Frank.👍
@Greg no way..this time i will built higher shelfs than he does for his gems, and will try to score with pure size and amount😉 So that you just cannot overlook my pieces.
@Peter we will it is a rather small but very familiar Exhibition where fun and to meet the guys in person is in the focus. But the quality of the works schown is also great (except of mine of course)..
Iam just there for fun and for entertaining😉
 17 January 2019, 09:32
Peter Hardy
Well I expect a pic of you and Bugs "socialising". 😉
 17 January 2019, 10:19
bughunter Author
You really don't want to see that ...
 17 January 2019, 19:43

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