Thread started by strobez

added a new photoalbum.
18 8 May 2020, 06:57

Thanks guys. Puttying over the windows is a bit of a challenge. I can't quite get that smooth look. I used some CA glue as well, so hopefully that will help.
11 May 2020, 00:23

Still working on filling in the rear windows, but the show must go on. I got smart and cut masks for the windows before I glued them in place.
12 May 2020, 23:42

Howizit possible for u to be this crazy, for this extended period of time?
13 May 2020, 01:16

Likely... I was just born that way.😉. There's more Tintin craziness to come... I've got a plan to visit the local hobby shop today...
13 May 2020, 02:18

I hadn't forgotten about this one... but I didn't feel a need to post pics of the endless rounds of sanding, rescribing, more sanding, more putty, more sanding, painting the wrong colour... and repeat. I can't seem to get the third window to disappear completely, so a ghostly impression will just have to do.
19 June 2020, 00:05

Isn't that just the way? After numerous rounds of sanding and painting, I finally got the landing gear on... and then somehow managed to get glue magically on my fingers in just the right spot smudge the wing paint! Looks like I'll be doing yet another touch up...
22 June 2020, 07:45

I had to sell a kidney in Japan for it...😉 luckily I still have one, 'cause I'm looking for the Cessna 172 as well... 😄
22 June 2020, 14:46

The Cessna 172 isn't as hard to find. I now plan to make a whole kit of early Cessna 150 and can send you a copy if you can wait that long. Your son might have finished his compulsory military service by the time I finish. Still without a work area at the mo.
22 June 2020, 15:49

So I painted over the smudges... but, of course my careful XF-2 (10) : XF-15 (1) paint ratio is not quite accurate. Now there's a slightly different shade on the wings. I'll have to try and blend it a bit better I guess.
23 June 2020, 00:03

Repainted the blue. It's a bit darker and closer to the shade in the Tintin album, so I'm happy enough. A few tiny masking errors, but fixing them seems likely to cause new problems so we'll just let them "add character" to the build... that's kinda my signature move anyway... leave a few blatant errors here and there to ground my projects in humanity.😉
Anyway, I got probably the best light coat of Future on it that I've ever done... so let' all that a win and not be greedy. Just a couple of decals left to do and we're done!
29 June 2020, 15:33

And... this one is done! Given how hard it is to get this kit, I really tried to do my best. I think I mostly succeeded on getting rid of the rear window (which was a real chore) but I think I might've caused myself some problems by not rescribing some of the panel lines as I went along. By the time I got to them, they're were pretty far gone and the plastic was hard to scribe. Oh, well, on a Beechcraft, the panel lines aren't all that important I guess.
2 July 2020, 03:09

You really should think of an Exhibition For your little gems Greg.!
Superb Implementation of the old Bonanza
2 July 2020, 06:19

As ever a faithful recreation of the source page, and an awesome unique base. Great work Greg
2 July 2020, 09:42

Such a cutie! 👍 (as is always the case with Greg's builds...). BTW, I think you did well to reorganize the Tintin collection projects per subject rather than per album - and it's always such a pleasure for one to browse through your various collections and projects! 🙂
2 July 2020, 17:29

Thanks guys! Given how rare these kits are becoming, I really wanted to do it justice. It's not quite as good as I hoped for, mainly some issues with rescribing panel lines, but I think it passes the test.
Alex - yeah, I'm trying to reorganize my collections on Scalemates. The Studio Ghibli ones will be next likely. 🙂
3 July 2020, 12:49

Oh, and I updated my blog for those of you playing along at home...
3 July 2020, 12:49

Btw, if anyone is interested in a Beechcraft Bonanza Kit, I know where you can get one for about $15 plus about $15 shipping...
5 July 2020, 08:39

I can't believe I actually cracked this one open to add a pilot, a couple of secret agents, and a kidnapped Professor Calculus... but I did. Took some careful prying, and then glueing not to make a total hash of it, but it went back together again, and looks at least as good as it did before. I'm calling that a win. 🙂
16 March 2024, 05:30