Cheb Model Show
Evenement details
- Naam:
- Cheb Model Show
- Stad:
- Cheb
- Organiserende Club:
- Wedstrijd:
- Het evenement heeft een wedstrijd
- Toegangsprijzen:
- Visitors charge free
Contestants 1 € per model
- Datum:
- 24. Oktober 2015
- Openingstijden:
- 8:00 - 17:00
- Adres:
- Za mostní branou 5
35002 Cheb - Parkeermogelijkheden:
- Available, charge free
4 mates zijn van plan om dit evenement te bezoeken
In competitie
Meer informatie
Alle details van dit evenement zijn te vinden op de Cheb Model Show startpagina
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1 show reports related to Expo-Cheb Model Show
Vergelijkbare evenementen

Cheb Model Show 2016
29. Oktober 2016

29. Oktober 2016

Dear David, it was a great weekend im Cheb. Many thx to the team for the hospitality and the dedication.

Cheb Model Show
24. Oktober 2015

24. Oktober 2015
26 October 2015, 07:10

Marc, it was a pleasure to meet you in person and I'm really happy that you weren't disappointed. I'll pass forward your message to the rest of the team. I hope you'll come again in the future😉
27 October 2015, 07:48

That was a great event again! Always a pleasure to be there! Thanks a lot for the perfect organization and the Czech hospitality. Looking forward to be there again next year.

Cheb Model Show
24. Oktober 2015

24. Oktober 2015
26 October 2015, 09:50

Thank you very much Ulf, I feel honored that you and your pals came all the way from Hamburg again and spent some great time here in Cheb 🙂 Next year is already in preparation😉
27 October 2015, 07:46

Hi David,
i look forward to visiting you and the Cheb Model Show!
It would be nice Weekend with friends and lots of Models – what could be better than this? 🙂

Cheb Model Show
24. Oktober 2015

24. Oktober 2015
22 October 2015, 08:53