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7th Scale model exhibition Banjaluka

Maketarski klub Kastel Banjaluka

Evenement details

7th Scale model exhibition Banjaluka
Banja Luka BA
Organiserende Club:
Maketarski klub Kastel Banjaluka
7th Scale model exhibition in Banjaluka will take place in Staklenac, Petar Kočić Park, from 9th to 10th february 2019. Organising club is Scale modeling club Kastel Banjaluka. Works of the club members, as well as the works of the guests from the ex-YU region, will be exhibited.


Saturday 9th February
10h - 21h - open for visitors

Sunday 10th February
10h - 19h - open for visitors
19h - closing

Entry FREE!


7. izložba maketa, minijatura i diorama u Banjaluci će se održati u Muzičkom paviljonu u Parku Petar Kočić od 9. do 10. februara 2019. godine. Očekuje vas mnogo vrhunskih maketarskih radova (vazduhoplovi, vozila, brodovi, figure, vinjete, diorame...)

Na izložbi ćete moći uživati u radovima članova Maketarskog kluba Kastel Banjaluka, kao i u radovima gostiju iz regiona.

Izložba je otvorena za posjetioce od subote 9. februara u 10h do nedelje 10. februara u 19h.

Ulaz besplatan!
Het evenement heeft geen wedstrijd


9. en 10. Februari 2019
Saturday 9th February
10h - 21h

Sunday 10th February
10h - 19h


Petar Kočić Park
78000 Banja Luka


2 mates zijn van plan om dit evenement te bezoeken


Bojan Kos Sneni
Rade Marjanovic Mali Radojica


In competitie

Meer informatie

Alle details van dit evenement zijn te vinden op de 7th Scale model exhibition Banjaluka startpagina

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Rade Marjanovic
will attend
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29 January 2019, 16:15