International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
Event info
- Navn:
- International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
- By:
- Hamburg
- About:
- International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg:
The International Maritime Museum Hamburg (IMMH), largest private collection of maritime items worldwide of Prof. Peter Tamm, will present the first “International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg” from September 14th to September 16th 2018. Shipmodellers and clubs of all kind – from historic ships made of wood to radio controlled, from card models to styrene, resin and multimedia or collector models in 1250 scale – are invited to present their models. The meeting will be a great platform to make yourself known and to work on your network with shipmodellers with a widest approach to the hobby.
The show will be presented in the lobby and on the first two floors of the IMMH. There will be an area of about 2500 square meters between and around the exhibits of the museum. The museum is based in the Kaispeicher B, the oldest remaining storehouse building of Hamburg in the heart of the new and spectacular Hamburg Harbour City and houses Tamm´s unique collection of maritime memorabilia, including thousands of ship models of all shapes and sizes. There will be a basin on the premises for radio controlled models, a contest and special offers for children and families and there will be space for vendors too.
The “International Shipmodelling Days” will be promoted via social media and the press in the region and worldwide in the weeks and months to come. Get more information and register at:
Frank Ilse: f.ilse@t-online or +49 171 5617271
Hans-Jürgen Mottschall: or +49 40 6437137
Roland Klinger: or +49 8232 3919
Babette Teichmann, IMMH: or +49 40 300 92 30-12 - Konkurranse:
- Arrangementet har en konkurranse
- Inngangspenger:
- No info available
- Dato:
- 14-16 September 2018
- Adresse:
- Koreastrasse 1
20457 Hamburg
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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
1 September 2018, 06:05

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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
29 August 2018, 20:08

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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
22 August 2018, 17:51

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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
20 July 2018, 14:52

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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
26 May 2018, 20:15

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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
11 March 2018, 11:31

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International Shipmodelling Days in Hamburg
14-16 September 2018

14-16 September 2018
19 February 2018, 19:21