34th GPPSD National Scale Modeling Convention | 34ª Convenção Nacional de Plastimodelismo GPPSD
Event info
- Navn:
- 34th GPPSD National Scale Modeling Convention | 34ª Convenção Nacional de Plastimodelismo GPPSD
- By:
- São Paulo, SP, Brazil
- About:
- This is the biggest scale modeling event in Brazil. It takes place in a Brazilian Air Force facility.
- Konkurranse:
- Arrangementet har en konkurranse
- Inngangspenger:
- Free
- Dato:
- 9. og 10. Desember 2023
- Adresse:
- Av Santos Dumont, 2241, Santana, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
02022-021 São Paulo, SP, Brazil - Parkeringsalternativer:
- Free
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34th GPPSD National Scale Modeling Convention | 34ª Convenção Nacional de Plastimodelismo GPPSD
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
9. og 10. Desember 2023

9. og 10. Desember 2023
11 July 2023, 13:25