Out of this World!
Event info
- Navn:
- OrangeCon
- By:
- Buena Park
- Arrangørklubb:
- IPMS Orange County
- About:
- OrangeCon Theme
Out of this World!
1. Extraordinary, unusual or impressive.
2. Extraterrestrial, of or from outside the earth.
Think about spacecraft, robots, wonder weapons, concept cars, experimental aircraft or ships and strange beings. Open to all categories, the only limit is your imagination - Konkurranse:
- Arrangementet har en konkurranse
- Inngangspenger:
- Spectator Admission (No contest entries) $ 7.00
Contest Admission (Adult & Ages 13-17)
(Includes first 2 models) $10.00
Contestants Under Age 12 Free
Model entry fee after first 2 models
Adults $ 1.00 each
Junior and Young Adult Free
- Dato:
- 6. Oktober 2024
- Åpningstider:
- Open to the Public -- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Vendor Set-Up -- 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Vendor Room -- Open 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Model Registration -- 9:00 AM to 11:30 PM
Contest Judging* -- Noon to 3:00 PM
Awards Presentation -- 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
*Portions of the Contest Room will be open during Judging on a rotating basis. Your cooperation is requested
- Adresse:
- 7000 Beach Blvd
90620 Buena Park
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Buena Park
1. Oktober 2023

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