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Alfredo Jurado (ajuradovb)

De Havilland Canada C-7A Caribou


1 4 April 2017, 16:49
Dave Flitton
Nice results, I like the paint job!!
 4 April 2017, 19:14
Martin Oostrom
 4 April 2017, 19:23
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Good job
 4 April 2017, 19:26
Łukasz Gliński
Awesome, I really like it in that livery 🙂
 4 April 2017, 19:40
Alfredo Jurado Forfatter
Many thanks Dave, Martin, Nikolaos, Lukasz. I also enjoyed this model, despite there are no decals on this subject and had to ask for help to my decals spare box.
 4 April 2017, 19:55
Must have missed this one. Very good work.
 14 June 2017, 17:17
John Thomas
Nice work
 14 June 2017, 17:21
Clifford Keesler
Very nice job.
 16 June 2017, 01:23
Alfredo Jurado Forfatter
Thanks Clifford
 16 June 2017, 13:00

Album info

Servicio de Vigilancia Aérea de Costa Rica (Costa Rican Police)

17 bilder
1:72 "RCAF/UN" DHC Caribou Transport (Hobbycraft HC1344)

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