1 26 October 2017, 23:30

James Brad Spanjaard hang tight lads!
say hi to Wilbur and Tom they are all painted, fuselage is closed up and setting, engine is done too however the engine to firewall is dryfit, i will see if i can keep it unglued until the last moment to help ease the paint process fearing the engine cowlings and the camouflage pattern will be a problem to paint, we'll see.
now on to the wings and control surfaces.
29 October 2017, 23:28

Wow Murad, the IP and engine are awesome! Count me in for this one!
30 October 2017, 00:06

time well spent 🙂 result will certain pay off 🙂 my respect for that level of patience!
5 November 2017, 00:09

Spanjaard my patience is related to the level of the kit. i wouldn't invest this much time in a crappy or a mediocre kit per se. but these tamiyas are truely next level all around and they surely deserve going that extra percents imho. build stage was long winded due to the amount of parts and complexity (for my level) yet it was all very well thought which makes you want to keep on going never losing the mojo. tho if i have to compare the previous 32 zero and this, i'd say zero was the better one but that might be simply due to the simplicity of the real subject.
5 November 2017, 11:26

first pass with blending, haven't decided if i should quit or do another lighter layer. i'm gonna take a break and look at something else for a while tho.
5 November 2017, 16:56

i agree with Erik, but you are of course the only one who can see the real thing 🙂 and you will be the one looking at it later 🙂
5 November 2017, 22:31

Erik et Spanjaard thanks guys, after looking with a pair of fresh eyes i decided to touch up a couple of very small locations in between the wheel wells but that's it, nothing general.
using tamiya's xf81 raf dk green 2 for the basecoat, panel by panel again. since the color is dark already it's not as forgiving as the underside grey. blending was achieved with progressively lightening the dk green with khaki and finally white.
one thing very interesting and impossible to capture with a camera is when there is no light hitting the green directly, against the black primer it is perceived as the 2nd camo color blue gray, it's really very interesting to me - never seen anything like this in a model paint so far... 🙂 despite being a spitfire it's still huge a model in 1/32 mayhaps related who knows.
7 November 2017, 14:00

Truly a beautiful build Murad! Simply inspiring!! I have the Tamiya Mk.XVIe and I'm really chompin' at the bit to start it!
16 November 2017, 07:09

David cheers. all i can say is the kit is magnificent. my only complaint would be the decals, now i am used to tamiya's thick decals but these were thin, fragile and stubborn. i can't say if your xvie will run into the same issue but i'd check online builds and consider aftermarket decals and or mask sets for sure.
16 November 2017, 07:14

LOL Yea Murad..... Been seeing the same complaints on the XVI as well.... I'm looking at the Montex Mask set for this one and I do Have a couple of Kagero sets to choose from in the stash.... Only thing is that they are kinda bland as far as subjects... I likes a little bit of nose art! LOL
16 November 2017, 08:28
Album info
if this is a scale model i dunno what the rest are...