Never Underestimate the Power of the Pawn – Zvezda's Pe-2

Thanks for the comments guys.🙂
Artem: Very possible – I'm that fussed about historical accuracy, I'm of the 'oh, I like that' school of modelling.😉
James: There are a couple of fit issues (although that could have just been my cack-handedness). The leading edge to the wings is a separate part and they were both a real bugger to blend in with the rest of the wing. Mine really could have done with quite a bit more work in that area, but it was starting to be the opposite of fun. A couple of the clear parts needed a significant shaving before they would fit, but on the whole it's an amazing kit, although certainly not for a beginner.

Thanks Bjorn, Almost all the detail is thanks to the kit, I did very little scratch building. 🙂

I also think the green could be a shade paler. But hey, I didn't build the thing 😉
She does look very nice though. Well done Gorby!

nice to see you back gorbygould... 🙂 it looks pretty good to me, to be honest (no idea about the colors, i like it as it is). strange about the white gaze due to the future... no idea why it happened. maybe some contaminant like grease from the moulds still in the parts?

Thanks Martin. 🙂
Thanks Spanjaard. I still pop back from time to time to see if you are behaving yourselves (glad to see your not😉 ).
On Britmodeller a couple of others have said that they have had problems with Zvezda clear parts. The glazing under the canopy is very bendy, so I'm wondering if they use a slightly different plastic to other manufacturers.

Thanks Roland. I might get to your level one day (but I doubt it).😉

Very well done, the real thing was a beauty, IMO, and you did it justice 🙂

Thanks very much Roberto. I agree, the original aircraft was beautiful.
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Where has the joy of kits gone?
Because of a little bout of mojoitis I decided to try and go back to basics. Less pre-assembly painting, scratch-building and stressing about unnecessaries, and more just sticking bits of plastic together.
It didn't quite work out exactly as planed, mainly because this kit is nothing like the Airfix of my youth. The kit has a couple of relatively minor fit problems, but on the whole it's remarkable, although without doubt the most complex and challenging kit I have ever built.
I got a little bogged down after a couple of months, but after a self imposed slap around the chops, I pulled myself together and got it done – for better or for worse.
I added an Eduard etch, which makes a big difference to the cockpit area, but irritatingly, even though I dipped the clear parts in Pledge, when the masks were removed there was a milky haze on most of them. No idea why.
I'll be doing simpler kits for a while.
Thanks for taking the time too look and comments (either thumbs up or vomi