Desert Rose
Royal Moroccan Air Force F-16C Block 52+
- Skala:
- 1:48
- Status:
- På vent
- Påbegynt:
- April 27, 2017
After seeing the RMAF F-16Cs in their unique pristine desert camouflage scheme during roll out and during their first flights I just had to capture their beautiful appearance in a modeling project! I will just park the aircraft on a plain concrete platform just to accentuate the sleek lines and brand new paint job. The most difficult part will be to restrain from weathering without getting the model to look toy-like.
Detaljerings- og konverteringssett

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27 April 2017, 13:05

Do you want more or less Moroccan Vipers? More!! 😄.. Definitely following Patrick, very beautiful color scheme.
27 April 2017, 16:14

Welcome on board Michael and Erik! The kit and the extras are still on route and so will I for the upcoming time. So when everything arrives I'm in for a fresh start.
27 April 2017, 18:26

I always wondered who took the decision to place the Moroccan roundel on the tailbase.. Quite a unique spot I must say
30 April 2017, 08:03

Someone had the right sticker on hand😉 - a common task during the a last day of an air meeting maybe 😄
30 April 2017, 08:13

Hi Stephan and Holger! Indeed that roundel just barely fits the tailfin base. Weird!
30 April 2017, 12:58

Holger, even if the postman makes it in time I'm affraid I can just make a start with this project but won't be able to finish it before I leave for a three year posting to Oklahoma this summer. This will be one of a selected group of projects I will be shipping along. Never mind as Scalemates is international you all can follow it's progress eventualy. 🙂
30 April 2017, 13:04

Just look at what I found on my doorstep today! The last items should arrive next weekend.
13 May 2017, 14:56

Thanx! A whole week to read through the instructions! 😄
13 May 2017, 15:20