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Resultater funnet: 3  

15 cm SK C/28 naval gun Pistoler » Kanoner | 3R 1935–1945

Detaljerings- og konverteringssett
200-15cm trrts
Bismarck-class and Scharnhorst-class 15 cm SK C/28 Turrets for Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau
Model Monkey 1:200
200-15cm trrts 2018 New tool Flertema (3)

Battleship Bismarck-class Skip » Slagskip | 3R 1940–1944

Detaljerings- og konverteringssett
200-15cm trrts
Bismarck-class and Scharnhorst-class 15 cm SK C/28 Turrets for Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau
Model Monkey 1:200
200-15cm trrts 2018 New tool Flertema (3)

Battleship Scharnhorst-class Skip » Slagskip | 3R 1938–1943

Detaljerings- og konverteringssett
200-15cm trrts
Bismarck-class and Scharnhorst-class 15 cm SK C/28 Turrets for Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau
Model Monkey 1:200
200-15cm trrts 2018 New tool Flertema (3)