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William Fleming (tankace1979)



William Fleming
First off i'm not sure if this has a forum or not, but I have a question regarding the 1/72 Italeri Panzer 35(t) tank. what does one do with the cupola and the tank commander if one wants to use the figure in the turret? looking at the cupola hatch of the tank it looks like the sections of cupola are attached to the hatch itself which interlocks with the cupola windows themselves any suggestions about this would be most helpful the manual includes the figure but doesn't really show anything helpful regarding it's I to cut off the pieces on the hatch/lid glue them in between each window and glue the hatch in an open position???? better yet is there a way to do it so I can take out the tank commander and close it or open it and put the commander in for both options???..thanks.
3 November 2024, 02:25

October 22, 2024

William Fleming
just joined this community.
21 October 2024, 05:39
Hello Welcome here 😉
 21 October 2024, 17:37
William Fleming Autor
thank you
 22 October 2024, 04:58

October 21, 2024

William Fleming
added MIG Productions to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Tamiya to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Testors to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added The Army Painter to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Vallejo to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Vallejo Game Color to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Vallejo Model Color to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Krylon to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Gundam Markers to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Folkart to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Decoart to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Apple Barrel to jego list of favorite colors
21 October 2024, 05:55
William Fleming
added Scale Models International to jego list of favorite magazines
21 October 2024, 05:49
William Fleming
added Scale Modeling Quarterly to jego list of favorite magazines
21 October 2024, 05:49
William Fleming
added Scale Modeler to jego list of favorite magazines
21 October 2024, 05:49
William Fleming
added Scale Military Modeller to jego list of favorite magazines
21 October 2024, 05:49
William Fleming
changed his profile picture.
21 October 2024, 05:26


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