Finished - F8C-Crusader VF-24 August 1967
78 22 August 2015, 18:52

A rare kit but I managed to get one
The surface detail is nice and crisp for that scale. The fuselage halves went together well, but a slight pressure was needed because of some warping. Filling and sanding is less required. The two piece wing fit well, but you have to take care with glue because of the really sharp wing tips. I use Tamiya extra thin cement to get the best fit.
Once dry I start cutting of all flaps with a sharp knife. I like the unique flap system and want to represent it on my last gunfighter. Some filling and reshaping is required but at the end it went out well even in this small scale.
Cheers, Christian
22 August 2015, 19:12

Cannot remember to have seen a 1:144 kit built with flaps and slats down, cool!😎
22 August 2015, 19:18

Thx mates for your kind comments and for your interest. A small update, landing gear is assembled an fit in place. Only the nose wheel is not glued yet. Mmmhh, to my eyes it looks well so far. The kit kept the aggressive look of the bird very well.
Cheers, Christian
23 August 2015, 11:03

What a monster this model is going to be !!
It looks HUGE !!!
Looks like you are running out of work bench space for this rather chunky build Christian 😉
23 August 2015, 12:12

Hehe Choppa, yep this is going to be the biggest plane I work on since years ago🙂 Space of work bench is safe, remember I'm working on battleships😉
23 August 2015, 17:16

Thx Soeren! ... building mostly scale 350 this is somewhat big scale for me🙂
23 August 2015, 17:28

Nope Guido I will use decals from Starfighter Decals for the plane and squadron markings but maybe the kit decals for national markings etc. The Starfighter Decal set for the F8 seems to be sold out?!
Where did I get one from? Well, best source to find something of your interest in plastic or resin - Scalemates🙂
Tim add some cool functions, not only to see the shops where you can get kits listed in your stash, but also to see if one of the mates listed it for sale.
Cheers, Christian
25 August 2015, 15:30

Hehehe, sometimes me too does not see the wood for the threes😉
And by the way, there a no silly questions but only silly ansers.
25 August 2015, 16:39

....... "not see the wood for the threes"
yeah those numbers can really get in the way sometimes😉 😄
25 August 2015, 16:49

Mmm, as for no silly questions, here's one-
What is the square root of a pork chop ? 😄
29 August 2015, 09:15

Well Choppa this was not a silly question but somehow a question about Life, the Universe and everything. And everybody who read his hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy should know it is 42🙂
29 August 2015, 10:11

I rather think his point in that brilliant book was that questions like "Life, the Universe & Everything ?", "WHO !? made us ?" and "What is the square root of a pork chop ?" are the very definition of silly questions and that just because a sentence may be grammatically correct it does not mean it is coherent of which Douglas Adams was the master.
I think that the book was a wonderful philosophical treatise on sillyness juxtaposed by the underlying pragmatic metaphor which underpins the surreal disposition of life, the universe and everything, and I really do mean that. 😄
Youtube Video

29 August 2015, 10:46

simply beautiful - I am looking forward for the painting and decaling!
29 August 2015, 11:58

I totally agree Choppa. He was a genius to try to get to the bottom of our self. I much like his stories and sense of humor🙂
@Thomas, thanks a lot🙂
30 August 2015, 10:28

His "Oooh I'm a puddle and doesn't the world fit me very neatly, it must have been made for me !" story was epic ! 😄
31 August 2015, 00:36

Another one I had let for a while. Paint is on my Crusader. I first tried Vallejos 71121. This paint no. should represent FS36440. Well, I found it a bit to dark, so lets see what I can do with white oils after a washing to bring more brightness to the surface.
Cheers, Christian
4 May 2019, 17:00

Lode, you´re not the only one who missed it - me too!
Wonderful work Christian as usual!
5 May 2019, 06:56

Don't worry they're all there 😄 Thank you for your interest in this one.
Mhhhh, I think I have to repaint the boundaries between gray and white. The white should come a little higher at the nose and the gray a little lower lang the fuselage.
Cheers Christian
5 May 2019, 09:31

I repaint the boundary between gray and white according to a reference photo. It comes out quite nice so far.
Cheers Christian
11 May 2019, 20:23

Yep airbrushing the tiny models is always a challenge. A bit to much paint or airflow and you can start again. Still trying and learning.
Thank you very much James for you kind comment.
Cheers Christian
20 May 2019, 20:42

Meanwhile in small scale. The display for the Crusader is started. Now up to some paintwork and weathering.
Happy Modelling, Christian
22 July 2021, 19:54

I´m curious how you will display the thrown away steel cable from the lauch 🙂 ?
23 July 2021, 07:59

Thank you all for your kind comments 🙂
@Sven, me either 😄 I guess some brass wiring will bring it to life
23 July 2021, 13:39

Looking very good so far. Can't imagine doing this a 1:144. I did a 1:72 harrier and by the end I was ready to kick puppies.
23 July 2021, 17:33

The Carrier segment is painted. Weathering is done on the Crusader. Making progress step by step.
Happy Modelling, Christian
2 August 2021, 18:14

For the colour modulation and weathering effects on the deck segment I used oil colours.
Happy Modelling, Christian
7 August 2021, 20:31

Looks amazing. I love what you do with such small subjects, a great talent.
7 August 2021, 20:33

The base is done. I am really happy about it 🙂
Now clear coat, decals and a finish.
Happy Modelling, Christian
12 August 2021, 20:12

Wow, 6 years in the making. But looking awesome. Looking forward seing the rest of it. Amazing as all your builds, Christian
12 August 2021, 21:02

You know Spanjaard, I am a slow builder 😄
But this year I have a run. This is #6 in the making, next to some others. I think I need a larger table next year at the Show.
And thank you my friend for your kind words 🙂
12 August 2021, 21:13

I am speechless about the highly professional and realistic look of this display, Christian. Scratchbuilding on the highest possible level !
Love the Tonking Gulf Yacht Club patch 👍 🙂
12 August 2021, 21:27

Christian, Rome was not build in one hour. also applicable to your wonderful builds 🙂 take your time, and enjoy the ride. we will certainly enjoy watching from over your shoulder
i hope to see this beauty next year since there will be no chance in 2021 🙁
12 August 2021, 22:22

This looks all great, but where is a 1/144 office chair and little magazines?? 😉 😄
Joking, fascinating job once again, with all the scratch & mods (1/144!) 👍
Still, would you have kept it 72-scale, one day you'd be able to piece together a full carrier! 😉
14 August 2021, 08:29

Thank you all for your kind comments. But wait, the main protagonist is not finished, so stay tuned🙂
14 August 2021, 19:30

Looks awsome. But how Crusader stand on deck? Magnets? Hooks? Magic?
18 August 2021, 07:07

Thank you Jorge and Dmitry 🙂
Dimitry, no Voodoo to hold the Crusader. There is just a brass rod to fix the Crusader. Take a look to photo #19, there you can see the rod in between the lower fusleage and the deck.
Meanwhile I scratch built the Bridle and Arresting Lanyard and placed it on deck.
Happy Modelling, Christian
19 August 2021, 18:41

Thx again bughunter, your kind comments are much appreciated 🙂
19 August 2021, 18:54

Simply awesome build...again. Very inspiring. As always I'm curious in some details. I can learn a lot from your builsing skills.
How did you cut out the oval shaped holes in the carrier segment? And how did you print your label with the checkerd paatern? Thanks
20 August 2021, 05:27

Thank you all for all your kind comments 🙂
@Norbert, amongst other things this is exactly why we are all here, to learn from each other. I am glad to help with the one or other feature shown in my WIPS.
Well, about the oval holes. Draw the desired contour using a template onto a sheet of styrene. Then drill holes along the contour, but not to close by. After that cut out the material in between the holes and bring the countour into shape using a knife, file and sanding paper.
The label was drawn by myself and printed on 1mm PVC plate. The printing was done by the professionals, for this I like the work and service from Digitaldruck Fabrik. Unfortunatley they no longer offer printing on Polystyrol, PVC is also ok but harder to cut.
I choose Hart-PVC Kompaktplatte1 mm, UV-Direktdruck in Fine Art. They are not able to print small labels, so you have to put some more into one print job.
But you can print it by yourself and glue the paper print onto a Polystyrol plate or whatever you desire to use.
I hope that answers your questions.
Happy Modelling, Christian
20 August 2021, 18:53

Hi Christian, yes..thanks for the detailed answer. For my next project I will try the Digitaldruck guys also.
That you had cut out the holes by hand and sanded them into shape is unbelievable. They look like lasercut e.g. Great work.
21 August 2021, 05:04

You're welcome Norbert 🙂
Treehugger, photo #13, below wrong dividing line between white and gray, top correct dividing line. My first attempt was wrong, so I correct it.
Happy Modelling, Christian
22 August 2021, 18:30

I put the decals on. The VF-24 markings are from a Starfighter Decals set, National markings are out of the kit. They all went on quite nice using Micro Sol and Set. I sealed the decals with a coat of Future and added a wash along the covered panel lines. I also put some higlights on top of the national markings using oils. Now the oils need some drying time before I can add a final semi gloss.
Happy Modelling, Christian
27 August 2021, 20:13

You can be proud of it! 👍 The last picture with the size comparison is most impressive!
31 August 2021, 16:47

Thank you bughunter. Yes indeed I am. I never expected that it will look so dynamic at the end.
31 August 2021, 16:57

I can hear the hissing roar of the engines and catapults, like in those documentaries about the Vietanm war carriers.
Excellent work Christian !
31 August 2021, 18:12

Top! No one could even guess 144-scale... And it´s a really great action-pose too. Scratch-work at it´s best with a light breeze of kit in it... 🙂 👍
1 September 2021, 10:31

An outstanding build Christian, and the scale makes it even more remarkable.
1 September 2021, 12:04

Thank you all so much for your kind and much appreciated comments 🙂
1 September 2021, 17:40

This is some really fine work in a dynamic presentation! 👍
1 September 2021, 17:49

simply gorgeous. Very dynamic scene and the scratchbuilt carrier deck section is again a masterpiece.
2 September 2021, 19:40

Agreed…great work! Would have never thought it was 144 scale. Great action and the innovative diorama!
4 September 2021, 18:48

Love when this one pops up in the feed. I've been seeing (and sharing) it elsewhere on the interwebs too 👍.
6 September 2021, 22:26

I am just speechless... True beauty it is. Fantastic work, Christian!
7 September 2021, 05:41

Some test shots using my new photo box. A great improvement for the photo quality - image #44.
Happy Modelling, Christian
3 July 2022, 10:43

Great work, always a present when someone lowers the flaps !! Too bad it's a F-8, would have loved to see the A-7 😉 But that's just me...
Very well done !!
3 July 2022, 10:45

@Bas, thx for yout kind comment. Well there are so many ideas in the pipeline 🙂
If you'd love to have a look on an A-7, check this out:
Finished - A-7E Corsair, NL306 VA-22 | Album by Christian Bruer (1:72)
Happy Modellin, Christian
3 July 2022, 11:00

Das Diorama gibt deinem gelungen kleinen Flieger eine sehr kraftvolle Dynamik.
3 July 2022, 11:21

Dankeschön Jörg 🙂 Eben genau diese Dynamik sollte zum Ausdruck gebracht werden. Ich war selber überrascht, dass es so gut rüber kommt.
3 July 2022, 11:33
Album info
Platz rare F8K Crusader build as F8C. I plan to modify the wings to represent the unique system of flap and angled wing root.