The Blue Lotus (Ki-10 "Perry")
42 29 October 2017, 07:07

I say this one doesn't count. It's just an oob build with different paint 😉
29 October 2017, 07:19

Perhaps I don't know how to assemble bi-planes. I though I was smart, I drilled out the holes for the wings and struts. But as soon as there was paint involved it all started sliding around and I ended up screwing my my paint job something fierce. 🙁
At least the front air vent worked more or less as I envisioned it.
26 November 2017, 06:15

Biplanes should be assembled first and painted later. Otherwise you end up with your lesson learned 😉
A bracket can be useful as well.
Keep it up Master of the Tintin build 👍
26 November 2017, 10:52

I have to admit, I was regretting my mistake and came very close to just smashing the whole thing in frustration. Anyway, I got it glued together... and I didn't even look at it today. When the dust settles, I'll make a closer inspection and see what needs to be (or can be) fixed. I should've just waited for Uwe to do this one first so I could just copy his lead. Bi-planes (and TIE fighters) are his safety zone.
26 November 2017, 15:34

I'm glad I didn't throw it out during a bout of despair. The glue catastrophe was mostly repaired and the paint has more or less recovered. Getting red dots and the rising sun tail on it has boosted my morale considerably for some reason.
8 December 2017, 13:58

Ok. She's done.
I used some steel wire for the rigging as I was really just too lazy to try anything else - especially after I burned myself trying something tricky with some monofilament line and ended up with a blob of plastic napalm on my thumb. It would just about be perfect for 1/48 scale though... if I was in to that sort of thing...😉
12 December 2017, 07:57

This victim of my shelf disaster was beyond salvation… so let's declare a do-over! Obviously took a dose of inspiration from Daniel's project, but I had plans to re-do this one already, so let's see what happens!
19 April 2023, 05:13

This one got shuffled off the work bench for a bit... but it's back on board now. I kind of lost my mojo after the DC motor wire connection broke and I had to rip apart the already suspect fit of the engine cowling. I couldn't bring myself to get it put back together right away and then it drifted away from me for a bit. However, the bare dust spot on my Tintin shelf spurred me to dig it out and get back to work. 🙂
31 October 2023, 15:35

I'd forgotten just how bad the fit is with the wings/struts. I ended up fighting with them for a while, breaking both of them, and finally deciding that a bit of wire was the way to go instead. It's a partially fictional plane, so I don't feel too bad about changing it up a bit.
7 November 2023, 14:56

So, it's not cheating if you re-use parts from a project you already built, right? Despite getting smashed in the Great Shelf Disaster of 2023, the painted tail section and the landing gear was 100% salvageable. So why re-invent the wheel, right? Last time around I painted the red dots, but I'm considering just using the decals this time. Does anyone want to try and talk me out of it?
11 November 2023, 17:07

And that's pretty much it. I certainly didn't put as much effort into this build the second time around, but I think the difference between my skill level then/now has offset a bit of my lack of effort. At least it's not a ghost plane anymore... and the propellor spins!
16 November 2023, 15:15

And here's the final pics (and video) of my (re) done Kawasaki Ki-10 Perry... Tintin style!
3 March 2024, 20:34
Album info
Part of my ongoing Tintin build project. Although the Ki-10 "Perry" doesn't really appear in the Tintin album "The Blue Lotus" (except in tiny silhouette), it does appear on the cover of the May 16, 1933 edition of le petit vingtième (n° 20) as a trio of planes that are searching the Chinese countryside for Tintin.
Although not "authentic", the planes on the cover are depicted as two-seaters, so a second cockpit was cut out and the entire interior was rebuilt from scratch to accommodate.