banco de dados de modelismo | gerenciador de estoque

KMK Scale World 2013


Detalhes do evento

KMK Scale World 2013
Mol BE
Clube organizador:
On 3500 square meters, divided over 3 halls, we have plenty of room for trading stands and club stands, both national and international. This way we are able to offer the visitors the opportunity to see all the latest novelties on the market and to buy all their modeling needs. Throughout the day international special guests will demonstrate their modeling skills to the public. The modeling contest tables are filled with beautiful entries and on the previous event we had the honor to welcome more than 2000 visitors from all over Europe, even modelers from the USA and Australia.
O evento tem um concurso
Taxas de entrada:
Free entrance


8. Setembro 2013
Horário de abertura:
From 10 am till 17:30


Kruisven 25
2400 Mol
Opções de estacionamento:
There is a large parking accomodation at the "Carrefour Super Market". By crossing the street you are at Scale World. Vendors and members of clubstands can park on the parking lot from the Technical Institute itself.


27 companheiros estão planejando visitar este evento



Rudi Meir Rudi
Markus Berger CarandTruck-Fan
Stefan Suessemilch Scaleartist
Guy Golsteyn sennake
Paul-Luca Kempeni young Pirate
Hauke Krapf Shermanoholic
Manfred Knoll Private_Paula
Kari Saarni ksaarni
Kevin Boodts KevinBoodts

Em competição

Mais informações

Todos os detalhes sobre este evento podem ser encontrados no KMK Scale World 2013 pagina inicial

Albúns de fotografias

There are 2 photoalbums related to this event.

64 imagens
KMK Scale World 2013View album, image #1
102 imagens
KMK Scale World 2013View album, image #9

Mostrar relatórios

8 show reports related to Expo-KMK Scale World

Scale World 2015 No
Scale World 2015
by Marina K. on IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
Scale World 2015 No
Scale World 2015
by Marina K. on IG Allgäuer Modellbau Freunde
KMK Scale World 2008 No
KMK Scale World 2008
by Sven Heimroth on Panzer Modell
KMK Scale World 2005 No
KMK Scale World 2005
por Gunnar Bäumer em Modellversium
KMK Scale World 2003 No
KMK Scale World 2003
por Tim Vereecke, Pascal Tognon em Modellversium
KMK Scale World 2011 No
KMK Scale World 2011
by Markus Berger on Modellversium
KMK Scale World 2007 No
KMK Scale World 2007
por Johannes Kreutzer em Modellversium
KMK Scale World 2008 No
KMK Scale World 2008
por Thomas Neuss em Modellversium

Eventos semelhantes

KMK Scaleworld 2025 in Geel
KMK Scaleworld 2025
BE Geel
1. Junho 2025
KMK Scaleworld 2024 in Geel
KMK Scaleworld 2024
BE Geel
2. Junho 2024
KMK Scaleworld 2023 in Geel
KMK Scaleworld 2023
BE Geel
21. Maio 2023


will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
8 June 2013, 18:29
KMK Autor
cu all there!
 8 June 2013, 18:30
Frank Krause
Hey guys (and girls?) of KMK!
You've done it again! 👍
KMK Scale World was well organized, had nice presentations, interesting workshops, a high level contest, delicious food and lots of friendly people!
Thanks for the wonderful event! See you next year!
 11 September 2013, 19:01
Kim Branders
I agree well done.
 12 September 2013, 06:23
Kevin Boodts
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
10 September 2013, 19:12
Ready for KMK 2013! Just packed all boxes and on the road to Mol! Cu all there and please drop by our stand and come say "hi"...Our stand is next to the Podium. I will wear a blue shirt (KMK) with the name "Tim Vereecke". Don't be shy and let us have a chat! cheers Tim
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
Todos os comentários (6) » 8 September 2013, 03:58
Dirk Heyer
it was very nice to met you all, in Mol!
Sometimes I could walking only some meters and had to stop again!
I have met and could talk yesterday with Tim van Dooremalen, Michel Huijghe, Tim Vereecke, Christian Lehmann, Frank Krause, Bouclan Patrick, Markus Kutsch, Jan Goormans, Phillip de Keyser, Mohammad Adl, Lesley Eyckerman, Stefan Natus and Zimmermaniac!
And many others who are not members of SM or I`ve forget to enumerate!
So all you guys protected me, to buy too many models, in time we talked......
 9 September 2013, 08:10
Philip De Keyser
I'm glad that all scalemates from Germany have return safetely, It was a great convention with a High level contest, so many beautifull models!
Great to have a talk with the other SM 🙂
Congratulations to all medal winners 👍
Greetz Phil
 9 September 2013, 14:09
Kari Saarni
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
7 September 2013, 09:14
Frank Krause
 7 September 2013, 09:40
Manfred Knoll
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
22 August 2013, 13:02
 22 August 2013, 13:42
Manfred Knoll Autor
The Boxes with the models are prepared for the Show see you mates there.

Greetings from Black Forest Germany
 5 September 2013, 21:36
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
5 September 2013, 08:45
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench Autor
I try my best to be there!
 5 September 2013, 08:46
Holger Kranich
Its a pitty that i cant come to this "Family-Reunion"!🙁
 5 September 2013, 09:11
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench Autor
Iam shure (i hope) there will be a next time. 🙂
 5 September 2013, 12:52
Wim van der Luijt
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
Todos os comentários (5) » 16 August 2013, 18:33
Stefan Suessemilch
Cool, the SCM-shake😉 I will use the nameplate 🙂
 17 August 2013, 08:51
Lesley Eyckerman
 17 August 2013, 09:05
Philip De Keyser
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
13 August 2013, 12:10
Kim Branders
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
6 August 2013, 06:05
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
17 June 2013, 12:10
Hauke Krapf
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
7 June 2013, 12:46
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
23 May 2013, 18:46
Frank Krause
Hehe, hat Dir Munster nicht gereicht? Dann laufen wir uns ja wieder über den Weg. Müssen wir aber mal einen Schwatz halten!
 23 May 2013, 19:29
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos Autor
Aber sicher, in Munster war es doch recht kurz🙂 Übrigens, ALles gute zum Geburtstag!
 23 May 2013, 19:32
Frank Krause
Danke, Ricardo! KMK wird richtig Scalematig werden... Wieder etwas, auf das man sich freuen kann.
 23 May 2013, 19:40
Tim Vereecke
Here is a preliminary list of the special guests...sounds very promissing!
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
23 May 2013, 18:30
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
I'll be there!
 23 May 2013, 18:41
Tim Vereecke Autor
cool, looking forward to see you again! (ps: you can mark this event to your events at the bottom of the page)
 23 May 2013, 18:43
Frank Krause
😎 Another too short day. KMK would be worth to last at least 2 days.
 23 May 2013, 19:31
Tim Vereecke
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
26 April 2013, 21:58
Stefan Schacht
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
26 April 2013, 16:40
 26 April 2013, 19:05
Frank Krause
Mol seems to become quite a busy Scalemates event...!😎
 26 April 2013, 19:10
Paul-Luca Kempeni
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
22 April 2013, 21:14
Jens Grafunder
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
22 April 2013, 19:25
 22 April 2013, 20:19
Guy Golsteyn
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
19 April 2013, 05:11
Dirk Heyer
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
Todos os comentários (8) » 17 April 2013, 14:17
Stefan Suessemilch
 17 April 2013, 20:21
Holger Kranich
Meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren, wenn überhaupt, dann bin ich Revell39 RLM02 oder Tamiya XF60 Sandgelb!😄
Dirk, die Freude wäre ganz auf meiner Seite, Dich ebenfalls kennen zu lernen! Du gehörst hier ja auch zur Familie!!!
 17 April 2013, 21:47
Stefan Suessemilch
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
17 April 2013, 20:32
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
Todos os comentários (8) » 16 April 2013, 19:24
scalemates Autor
There is a link at the bottom "Add to event"
 17 April 2013, 10:54
Steve Wilson
 17 April 2013, 11:12
Tim van Dooremalen
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
17 April 2013, 08:26
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
Todos os comentários (16) » 16 April 2013, 19:30
scalemates Autor
Do you know other events? please add them to our brand new event database! Reachable via the top menu bar
 17 April 2013, 05:59
Frank Krause
A great chance for modelling clubs to promote their events to a broader public... 👍
 17 April 2013, 06:12
Lesley Eyckerman
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
16 April 2013, 22:12
Christian Lehmann
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
Todos os comentários (5) » 16 April 2013, 20:28
Christian Lehmann Autor
Du warst ja schon mal in Munster. Is da was los? Auch Wettbewerb?
 16 April 2013, 20:40
Frank Krause
Ich war jetzt 2 mal da, und es war immer gut besucht. Militärmodellbau vom Feinsten, aber kein Wettbewerb!
 16 April 2013, 20:42
Thomas Poelkemann
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
16 April 2013, 19:52
Thomas Poelkemann Autor
and the Cologne Pirates as well.
 16 April 2013, 19:54
Pirates added 🙂
 16 April 2013, 19:58
Frank Krause
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
16 April 2013, 19:47
Luc B
will attend
KMK Scale World 2013 in Mol
KMK Scale World 2013
BE Mol
8. Setembro 2013
16 April 2013, 19:45