banco de dados de modelismo | gerenciador de estoque

IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015

SKALA 2015

IPMS Norge

Detalhes do evento

IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015
Drammen NO
Clube organizador:
IPMS Norge
First Hotel Ambassadeur, Drammen, Norway.

Three well known modelling artists from the US, Germany and Sweden will attend the show sharing their modelling secrets.

See homepage for more information please.
O evento tem um concurso
Taxas de entrada:
• NOK 15,- for all IPMS members. (approx. 1,5 Euro)
• NOK 30,- for non-members

Entrance to participate in competition:
• NOK 50,- for all IPMS members
• NOK 100,- for non-members

Entrance for Workshops:
• NOK 50,-


9. e 10. Maio 2015
Horário de abertura:
See homepage for more information please.


Strømsø Torg 7
3044 Drammen
Opções de estacionamento:
Yes, both around the Hotel (cheapest) and under in the Hotel (charge pr. day)


2 companheiros estão planejando visitar este evento



Em competição

Mais informações

Todos os detalhes sobre este evento podem ser encontrados no IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015 pagina inicial

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Martin Jakobsen
will attend
IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015 in Drammen
IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015
NO Drammen
9. e 10. Maio 2015
6 May 2015, 20:14
Edward H. Valholm
English translation will come shortly.
IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015 in Drammen
IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015
NO Drammen
9. e 10. Maio 2015
4 January 2015, 09:29
Edward H. Valholm
will attend
IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015 in Drammen
IPMS Norway SKALA Modelling show 2015
NO Drammen
9. e 10. Maio 2015
4 January 2015, 09:26