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Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2018

Special Award Theme: Liberation

Belgian Scale Modellers Club

Detalhes do evento

Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2018
Putte BE
Clube organizador:
Belgian Scale Modellers Club
Belgian Scale Modellers Club proudly presents Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2018, which will be held on Sunday 9 of December 2018.

We are working hard to make sure that this year's edition is going to be even better than all previous editions. It is thanks to the laid back atmosphere and the camaraderie that are synonymous to Belgian Scale Modellers, that the Convention has grown to be what it is today. We have created this site to give you the latest updates on the Convention as well as to keep all the information well organized for your convenience. We look forward to meeting you all at our Convention.
O evento tem um concurso
Taxas de entrada:
Free entrance


9. Dezembro 2018
Horário de abertura:
from 10 to 18 h

10:00 Opening of the convention
10:00 Registration for our competition
12:00 End of registration for our competition
14:00 Demo Mike Rinaldi
16:30 Proclamation
16:30 End of the convention


Mechelbaan 604
2580 Putte


8 companheiros estão planejando visitar este evento


Bart Teunis Bartus


Germen V G-VAN
Steven Van Dyck StevenVD
Phenix Outis Phenix

Em competição

Bart Teunis Bartus
Steven Van Dyck StevenVD

Mais informações

Todos os detalhes sobre este evento podem ser encontrados no Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2018 pagina inicial

Albúns de fotografias

Não há álbuns relacionados a este evento.

Mostrar relatórios

Our search engine is not aware of any articles from the event Expo-BSMC

Eventos semelhantes

Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2017 in Putte
Belgian Scale Modellers Convention 2017
BE Putte
10. Dezembro 2017
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention in Putte
Belgian Scale Modelling Convention
BE Putte
8. Dezembro 2013


Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
will attend
9 December 2018, 03:47
Phenix Outis
will attend
8 December 2018, 23:20
Steven Van Dyck
will attend
8 December 2018, 19:21
Ben Schumacher
will attend
6 December 2018, 12:15
Ferry Dierckxsens
will attend
27 November 2018, 10:18
Germen V
will attend
20 October 2018, 10:21
Bart Teunis
will attend
3 September 2018, 06:49